"Not a chance."

Phantomjaw smirked. He instantly pulled Thunderhoof closer, locking them in a desperate kiss, full of want and longing. It hasn't been that long since they last saw each other, but ever since moving to Nova Terra, somehow agreeing to give cohabitation a chance, and spending countless hours together...

Suffice to say, something has changed within Thunderhoof, and he will forever and always blame Nova Terra for his malfunctioning coding.


Then again, he can't really complain, not when he has a certain someone to pay attention to.

Phantomjaw is sprawled out beneath Thunderhoof's crouched frame, a hot sparking mess.

"Hoof, not to cut something as perfect as my homecoming present short, but I think I'm reaching my climax."

It was then that Thunderhoof had a clear enough mindset to notice static currents rippling across his lover's plating.

"Just keep your spark under control and don't merge," Thunderhoof rasped, feeling a charge build-up as his own climax approaches. Phantomjaw hastily nods.

The pair mostly let themselves go, keeping all their focus on preventing the bonding, which could result in an illegitimate pregnancy. It takes an extra amount of energy out of them, but in their opinions, it is worth it. Neither have the time, patience, nor interest in having a sparkling.

How Steeljaw and Ramulus will manage is beyond Thunderhoof's comprehension.

"Ey, by the way..."

Refusing to move as he cooled down, Thunderhoof adjusted his optics to look at Phantomjaw beside him, just as heated and exhausted as he is.

"Did yous see your brother and the bitlit?"

"Not yet," Phantomjaw vented. "I don't know why. Guess I wanted to see you, first."

Thunderhoof snorted.

"Sure it ain't cause you're scared of Steeljaw being angry? Ya know, since you left when you said you wouldn't."

Phantomjaw didn't answer.

Suddenly, his ears perked. He lifted a claw and activated his commlink, listening to the message.

"What?" Thunderhoof asked soon after.

"Brother says he saw my signal reappear and now he wants me to meet up with him," Phantomjaw answered, shakily rising to his pedes. Thunderhoof followed suit.

Together, the mechs drove to the main communications building. Atop a hill on the other side of the forest is where the massive structure stands. Positioned in front are Steeljaw and Ramulus. It isn't until Thunderhoof and Phantomjaw reach the top and transform that they see something small and white curled in Steeljaw's arms.

The mechs stand around in awkward silence for a few minutes.

"So, you're back," Steeljaw stated, optics narrowing and tail swishing back and forth. "Here to stay for as long as you promised, I hope."

"Sorry, brother, but I still have a job to do," Phantomjaw replied as delicately as possible. "Work doesn't just stop, you know."

"Oh, trust me, I do."

Phantomjaw decides not to push his luck and instead changes the subject.

"I see the birth was a success."

The black and white Lupicon looked to his brother for permission. Steeljaw may be upset with his brother, but not enough to refuse him access to family. Cautiously, Phantomjaw approached.

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