Chapter 44

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Go back home

They left The Darklig's body with the Soldat Sol to protect and went back to the warehouse where Genya, David and Misha were waiting for them.

"Saints!" Genya screamed seeing them approach. The Tailor ran towards Kaida and warped her arms around her. "You left me so worried with your last words," she said, pulling away from the hug. "Nikolai, you are back," Genya couldn't help but hug him, the same with the rest of her friends. "You are all alive," she said with a big smile.

"Harshaw didn't make it," Zoya said sadly. They all stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"What happened?" David asked calmly.

"Yes, what happened? We saw a strange purple cloud cover all Ravka out of nowhere. Kaida! Your eyes!" Genya said.

"I know, I know," Kaida said with a smile too. "Let go inside and talk about what happened and what are we going to do next,"

They all went inside and before they did the meeting they gave some new clothes to Nikolai.

Kaida was with the rest of her friends, waiting for Nikolai and Tolya to arrive.

"I love your new eyes, and hair. They look amazing," Genya said with a smile.

"Thank you,"

"But I want answers. What in the world happened?"

"We all want answers," Tamar said with a smile, Nadia next to her.

"I will give them to you, don't worry," Kaida said. The door opened and Tolya and Nikolai entered. Kaida left a seat next to her for Nikolai and there was another one next to Tamar. She smiled at the boys but her smile disappeared when she saw Nikolai taking the seat next to Tamar and Tolya next to her. Genya and Kaida looked at each other confused.

They all stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"If no one is going to ask the question we are all dying to know, I'll do it," Zoya said. "Kaida, what in the world happened? You were able to control of the small science, Sun and Shadow included,"

Kaida let a small laugh escape her lips. "You all know the story of the Original Grisha?" just David nodded. "Okay. Well, the Original Grisha, as the name says, were the first Grisha in the world but they are only born when the world needs them. They had the power of the mind when their power was incomplete, and to complete that power they needed to accept all the pain, happiness, sadness, every emotion that every person in this world feels and connect with them and if they weren't strong enough they died. I'm one of them, the second one in history to survive. The Original Grisha is the most powerful Grisha ever known she can't be killed, but the world needs a valance so he created a person, only one person that could kill The Original Grisha,"

"Then we need to find that person and make sure he or she won't kill you," Alina said.

"That's not a thing to worry about, I know he would never hurt me unless I ask him for," Kaida said with a smile.

"You know who is him," Zoya said, surprised.

"Yes, I do,"

"Then who is it?" Tamar asked.

Kaida took a long breath. "Jake," They all turned to look at him.

"Me? Why me?" Jake asked, confused.

"I don't know, but it's you," Kaida said.

"That doesn't make sense, he will die and you will remain young for, I don't know, a million years," David said.

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