𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐬

Start from the beginning

The shock lingered as he not only wished me but orchestrated a celebration that made my birthday happy in true sense.

His thoughtfulness reignited my forgotten birthday rituals, rekindling a sense of joy that I had long abandoned. As balloons floated, and photos were snapped, I realized, there was perhaps a connection between us, that was unchanged by time.

Setting my thoughts aside, I unwrapped a chocolate, relishing each moment suspended in time.

As I unwrapped the chocolate from the box, the faint aroma of rich cocoa drifted up. The dark chocolate gleamed under the soft living room lights, and as I took a bite, the bittersweet taste flooded my senses.

Each bite carried a complexity of emotions – the bitterness of past years without joyous celebrations, contrasted sharply with the sweetness of Parth's unexpected gesture. It was as if every nibble of chocolate was a step back in time, reminding me of our shared moments, the laughter, and the innocence of our friendship long ago.

My mind wandered through the years, recalling our school days when Parth and I were inseparable.

At the school reunion, I'd hastily judged him based on his success, dismissing the person I once knew. But today, as he meticulously planned my birthday surprises, the realization hit me like a thunderbolt – he hadn't changed.

I pondered the misconception that clouded my vision all these years. Parth was the same kind-hearted and thoughtful person who remembered the little rituals that once brought us joy. I had foolishly overlooked the genuineness in his actions, blinded by superficial judgments.

With each chocolate piece melting in my mouth, I savored not just the taste but the realization that my perception of Parth had undergone a profound transformation.

The juxtaposition of flavors mirrored the conflict within me – the bitterness of my misjudgment and the sweetness of this newfound revelation. And as the last morsel of chocolate dissolved on my tongue, I knew that this birthday would be etched in my memory, not just for the surprises Parth had orchestrated, but for the happiness he had brought into my life.

I sat there, savoring the chocolate, cherishing every second as if capturing a piece of newfound joy.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a notification. I hastily grabbed it and found Parth had sent pictures from the night. I swiftly downloaded the images, fixating my gaze, particularly on the selfie that he and I had captured together.

As I fixated on those pictures, a familiar thought crept back in, clouding my mind with a storm of jealousy and envy.

It was the recurrent realization that had plagued me in the past : if Parth could make me, just a friend, feel so cherished and special, then how deeply would he love the woman he truly cared for?

This question had echoed within the chambers of my heart countless times, leaving an ache that seeped into the depths of my soul. The mere contemplation of Parth's unwavering devotion toward someone else had often cast me into the abyss of despair in the past.

Back in the past, the mere contemplation of how Parth would treat the girl he truly loved sent shivers down my spine, igniting an unfathomable jealousy that danced on the edges of my thoughts. I was plagued by haunting images of someone else receiving the tenderness, care, and affection that I had silently craved.

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