When the prasies calmed down Mikage said goodnight and Inari went home to two hundred plus, familiars.

Tomoe looked around the shrine and purred at its warmth; if he wasn't thinking about the festival at the time? He might have of actually called himself happy.

The fox skidded to his room and opened a drawer quietly. He grabbed a dark blue hakamashita and then a matching haori.

He slipped it on over his shoulders and quickly grabbed his fan.

Tomeo stuffed it in his pocket and sighed heavily; he looked around his room and then with the agile of a soft feline, slipped out the window. His feet hit the ground softly and he looked around as his teeth ground, he hoped that no one ( Mikage ) Heard that.

He closed his eyes for a few deadly seconds but then breathed out when no one came.

The fox bit his lip as he slowly made his way to the steps and looked down; His eyes grew wide as he quickly walked down, when he reached the bottom he was greeted by a girl...

Tomoe furrowed his brow as he looked at her, she was smiling and wearing a beauitful silk kimono. To be honest he liked the style, but that was mostly because he liked things that were soft and easy to handle; but also ornate with a beautiful design.

When his eyes traveled over her he suddenly felt self conscience in a strange, almost shamed way.

His eyes shot up to hers and she looked at him blankly as his face heated.

Meh... She caught him..

He looked away and tried to stop the burn on his face from spreading to his neck and ears, but sadly the burn cassaced like hot water to his collar bone. He looked at the road stubbornly and then swore to himself as Nanami sighed and rolled her eyes...

" What took you so long?" She looked at him and he sighed heavily, glad that she ignored the whole, You were checking me out, thing. He sighed and the looked at her annoyed before scoffed at her.

" I had things to do; you may not have duties but I do." He looked away as the girl smiled and sighed as they started to walk down the road. After a few minutes of silence Nanami looked the the fox and giggled.

" You look very handsome tonight." She started to snort when Tomoe gave her an evil, embarrassed glare.

Stupid human; he couldn't wait to ditch her. He looked forward and clecnhed his fists in hatred.

Then he was suddenly stopped by something running by him in full speed. He blinked in shock and realized it was a kid; he looked up and then blinked as people rushed around. They were talking and singing was everywhere, this made Tomoe stop in shock...

Nanami looked at him and then paused, for a god's son he looked innocent to the world. Tomoe gasped with parades of people rushed by blowing out fire; his eyes grew wide and Nanami giggled.

Tomoe could hear her but he didn't look away; he was too amazing. Humans rushed by and blowed out fire as Tomoe hid his ears and tail. His eyes grew wide as people cheered and large paper like dragons danced by. He didn't know if this was a festival or not but it was incrediable..

His eyes grew wde and Nanami smiled as he looked at a paper dragon.

His violet eyes sparkled with amazment and his mouth was open just enough to show his enjoyment. He looked innocent for a moment, and his jerky persoanlity fled rather quickly. In fact Nanami saw something like a child with innocence...

Even though he was a demon that people had once called great; he seemed okay...

Nanami smiled as the parade passed; laughing to herself as it passed...

The Fox And The Village GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя