Eye for an Eye

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If thesse three really do believe thiss dragon ssighting iss not me... Esspecially Hollyberry...

Thisss.. thissss must be an imposster in my nessst. Without Dragontongue! That'ss impossible!

Unlesss Ananasss...


Pitaya let out a soft hiss, unaware of the three analyzing him.

Thiss iss the work of that.. that traitor. That treacherouss white flower–! She dare to usse that oath againsst ME?!

There musst be a way to break the contract... and sssoon.. 'lesst I may loosse my powers to that..

The dragon hummed to himself in a thoughtful manner.

Thesse 'heroes' do have ssomething valuable. Perhapss I could...

"Pitaya? Pitaya Dragon! Answer my question! What is this 'Dragonsworn?'" Hollyberry began shaking him, snapping the armored lizard out of his train of thought.

"Hah! You simple-minded humansss couldn't comprehend what the Dragonssworn is!

Ssso. You kept me alive. Buttering me up with your fesstive drinkss and juice... You're obviously wanting ssomething from me, issn't that right?

Well.. I could usse ssomething in return. My powerss. I'll tell the truth. The reason for my interruption in the Berry Jungle wass that I may have... losst my powers."

I visibly facepalmed and the dragon paused his monologue.

Oh dear. We're chasing after a dragon that doesn't even have powers?

"You haven't even heard my sside of the bargain yet, don't act sso high-and-mighty!" He spat in my direction.

I had no choice but to hear him out, and gestured for him to continue.

"Tell me what you desiree. How about we agree on a... pact. A short truce. An eye for an eye, perhapsss?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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