Unfortunate Circumstances

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Slight warning for language

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The jungle echoed with roars of laughter, specifically Hollyberry's.

"Did you SEE that? I can't believe we managed to get away using that excuse!" I shouted to Hollyberry as we made our way through the trees.

"Props to you, Y/n! 'Traveling to a city,' hah, that's perfect! How's she to ever know where we really went?" Hollyberry let out another hearty laugh.
"In all seriousness, good call. Jungleberry would have never allowed it."

Wildberry cut into the conversation before either of us could continue.
"You do realize that lying to the Queen is... a terrible idea, right?"

"C'mon, we're the only three who know where we're really headed. We'll be in and out of the Dragon's Valley. No one will suspect a thing," I glanced at him lightheartedly, hoping to sway his displeasure.

My reassurance didn't help. He gave a simple, disappointed stare.
"That's what they all say," he said, turning around.

"Wildberry, lighten up. Do you really believe that something bad is going to happen?"
I never expected him to worry. As long as nobody mentioned this journey to the queen, everything would work out.

"She does have a point, Wildberry. You have to understand that she's experienced enough for this. And when has something ever gone wrong?" Hollyberry joined in, hoping that was enough to ease him.

He only responded in silence, so Hollyberry had no choice but to give him a hard, friendly slap on the shoulder.
"Alrighty, then. Enjoy the trip however you please, Wildberry. Just don't occupy yourself too much with all that doubt." A chuckle escaped from her as she said this.

The moment was quickly interrupted by a horde of creatures, ranging from jungle beasts and birds to arachnids as large as cookies.

Hollyberry was the first to yell out a warning.
"Wo-hoh, there, careful now! Facing these certainly won't be for the faint of heart. I hope you two are ready, Wildberry and Y/n. Last I remember, these insects were a pain in the... icing."

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"Those were some.. fierce beasts." Wildberry finished quietly.

"That was.. exhausting.." I panted as we dealt with the last of them. "Luckily we all came out uscathed.."

"Oho, tired already, you two?" Hollyberry laughed off as we complained.

Wildberry corrected her. "No, your majesty, it's just..."

Hollyberry thought for a moment, then spoke as something clicked in her mind.
"Ah, you're right. I felt it too. Those creatures fought stronger than they usually do.. as if they can sense a presence we can't. They were scared and fighting for their lives!"
She paced back and forth, setting her shield on her back. Her tone was replaced with a more serious one. "There's certainly something disrupting the balance, and it's got to be coming from the Dragon's Valley... Let's continue."

I recalled the main purpose of getting to the Dragon's Valley. "Wait. You mentioned your goal was setting an alliance with the dragons. Do you... really think they'll agree?" I questioned her.

"Ah, too many questions for today!" She grinned, but then answered me.
"The truth is, I haven't fully decided. On one hand, the dragons do have immense power, but then again... you have to remember they've been terrorizing cookies since the dawn of time."
Hollyberry seemed lost in thought, then came back. "Still. My first task is to find them! And after that? Well, we'll... have to see how the negotiation works out, hah."

"Considering your last encounter with a dragon, I'm uh, hoping it doesn't end badly."

"Y/n! Don't you dare remind me of that! Dragons are very unpredictable!"
I laughed at her denial, and the conversation slowly shifted to idle small-talk as we cleared out the thick bushes.
Our group wasn't that deep within the jungle, but we could all tell something was off.

Especially once we heard cries for help.
We rushed to where the pleas were coming from, and I was met with cookies very clearly in pain.

"G-greenish.. red... drag..on..."

This didn't register in either mine nor Wildberry's minds, but Hollyberry gasped right away.
"Wha...? Did you say.. that slithering lizard is here?! In the Berry Jungle?"

While Hollyberry bombarded them with questions, searching their faces for answers, I crouched down to tend to their wounds. They were hurt, but the cookies would be fine. Getting them out of shock was another problem entirely.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath. "Hollyberry, they passed out. We'll just have to find the dragon ourselves. They should be okay."
She nodded at me, understanding the gravity of the situation.
Hollyberry let out a defeated sigh, but it was clear she wasn't going to give up. "That beast must be somewhere nearby."

The deeper the three of us ventured into the forest, the more destruction was noticeable.
Wildberry was the first to break the silence.
"Your majesty, something has crushed these berry bushes—!"
"Hm, yes. And these deep scars on the ground.. those are most definitely left behind by a dragon."

"Do you... think those travelers we met earlier were attacked?" I hesitantly suggested.
"No, no, that can't be it. There's no sign of attack on cookies nor animals alike.. as though the dragon was... alone."

Before either of us could continue inspecting the scene, we all heard a deep growling above us.


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