Chapter 4

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"Wake up"


Where am I? What is this place?

"Your home."

I shockingly opened my eyes.

"What how? I thought I just escaped…How am I back home?"
I asked

"Are you okay? What nonsense are you talking about?"
The boy annoyingly asked.

"Huh…Thunder? I-Is that you?!"
I exclaimed.

"Of course it's me, who else? Anyway Quake asked me to wake you up for breakfast, You overslept idiot."
Thunder explained, In his usual irritated demeanor.

"What? Oh… um…Sorry."
I apologized

"Head down, I'll fix your bed."
Thunder offered.

"What? no need I'll do it…"
I said as I immediately went and grabbed my blanket.

"Fine, Whatever you say. Just hurry up, everyone's waiting for you."
Thunder said as he exited the room.

I was left dumbfounded by the whole situation.

How am I back home? I thought I was at space...

Am I dead?!

My brothers…They aren't reversed…

Is this another of my ridiculous nightmares?

I hope it is, I hope everything that had happened was all a nightmare.

I took a good look at my surroundings.

I'm back at…Tok Aba's home?

Shouldn't I be at TAPOPS?

We just had our vacation…and we're back here?

Ugh there are so many unanswered questions, I wish they could answer.

I took another look at my surroundings. The atmosphere was strange, It didn't feel like home. The air was suffocating me… It doesn't feel right.

"Cyclone! You coming down or what?"
A loud shout from Thunder, Stopped me from thinking any further.

"Oh um y-yes coming!"
I scrambled away from my bed and went downstairs.

"Finally, you're here."
Thunder said, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry everyone…You didn't have to actually wait for me..."
I apologized.

"Take a seat."
Quake instructed.

I took a seat, at the opposite side of the table.

Everyone stared at me, It's as if they are watching my every move. I was getting uncomfortable.

This isn't how we eat breakfast…

It's supposed to be the brightest part of the day, with smiles being seen and laughter being heard.

But this…It feels so off.

Quake locked his eyes at me.

I gulped.

"Let's talk about how you messed up our last mission."
Quake implied sternly, His voice was…really scary, It wasn't his usual caring voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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