CH.1 | DNI.

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✧. DNI

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✧. DNI.

𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, and honestly, y/n found it completely useless. she yawned, turning her head to the left in the position she was in to look at her seatmate, chanelle kim.

"chanelle..." she mumbled, seeing the girl turn her attention from the teacher to her. "yes?" she asked, giving y/n a smile. "i..." y/n started, but covered her mouth to shield a yawn.

"mmm, i want your jacket, please," y/n replied, seeing chanelle chuckle and shake her head at the girls' request. "sure." chanelle pulled out her jacket from her bag, before handing it to y/n- her using it as a pillow.

"thanks." y/n said, before closing her eyes and attempting to drift back to sleep. chanelle smiled at her action, before continuing to jot down notes. 'yup, school is really boring.' y/n thought, blinking her eyes slowly and feeling the waves of drowsiness overcome her.

right. it was completely useless in her eyes, as she was already considered a genius. a prodigy. in fact, her teachers believe that she could've, and should've gone to a more prestigeous school- she could definitely have gotten in with her grades. straight A's without barely even trying, she was living every teenager's dream.

yet, when questioned as to why she had chosen jae won high school, a quite average if not bad school, y/n simply replied that it was the least troublesome. people whom have just met her would think that she was bragging, but people whom genuinely know her would just sigh and shake their heads, an endearing smile plastered on their faces.

y/n could be seen as lazy- sleeping, playing games, or eating during almost every lesson. honestly, she could be considered a pig. she didn't really talk to anyone, simply because she couldn't be bothered to do so. the only person she considered a 'best friend' was chanelle, whom fyi, treasures her greatly.

all in all, y/n was living the dream life, with no attention on her and almost everyone just ignoring her presence- teachers included. her parents were pretty okay with her doing whatever she wanted, as long as she brought back home good grades, which was pretty much child's play.

oh, right. y/n was living the dream life, until daniel park appeared.

"hi.., i'm daniel, you are?" daniel asked, standing infront of the h/c haired girl whom was trying to rest. y/n didn't reply, choosing to ignore him and hoping that he would take the hint. chanelle side-eyed the male, before continuing on to do her work.

"um...are you okay?" daniel asked, seeing the girl unresponsive. people were starting to whisper, saying that y/n was rude for ignoring daniel. of course, this was just because it was daniel talking to her. if it were any other boy, the gossiping would've been directed to whoever tried to talk to her in the first place.

"hey." chanelle started, pushing up her glasses to glare at daniel. "if she isn't replying, take the hint that she doesn't want to interact with you. now get lost. dni." she stated bluntly, making daniel's eyes widen. he pursed his lips, glancing again at y/n whom was already dozing off, before heading back to his seat.

"and you lot." chanelle continued, crossing her arms and facing the remaining people whom were watching. "shut up and mind your own business, or face the consequences." she gave them a cold smile, the rest of the students scampering away to do their own things.

chanelle huffed, before turning her gaze to y/n, her facial expression softening at the sight. using a hand to gently push the stray hairs away from the girl's face, she them continued on with her work.

y/n pushed her face deeper into the comfort of chanelle's jacket, enjoying the faint scent of her perfume. thinking that the ordeal was over, she allowed herself to be carried off into dreamland once again, unknowing that daniel was one persistent, absolutely annoying fellow whom couldn't take a hint.

 thinking that the ordeal was over, she allowed herself to be carried off into dreamland once again, unknowing that daniel was one persistent, absolutely annoying fellow whom couldn't take a hint

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