Chapter 1: The Start

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A squirrel rushed past the trees. It was a dense forest, it was silent the full moon was shining brightly through the trees

Suddenly loud breathing was heard, people were rushing through the woods like they were running for their lives

Elda, Elena, Ken and John took a sharp breath each knowing what day that was. Elda closed her eyes to stop the tears from forming

"Come on Johnny" Elda grabbed her younger brother's hand running faster. Their feet hitting the ground so fast it's like they were flying

"Why are you running?" Noah was concerned for the young kids "Trying to stay alive" Elda told him, holding her younger brother tightly. That did nothing to stop the worry from forming in everyone chest

"Where are mom and dad?" John asked running next to his sister "Somewhere. Come on don't stop" Elda looked back to see hunters gaining on them "Come on!" Elda and John ran faster

Chris narrowed his eyes at the screen. The guys on the screen looked familiar for some reason

Elda and Josh ran through a creak when a loud roar sounded through the forest, the 16 and 7 year old screamed out in pain as they felt a bond snap "DAD!" John yelled rushing ahead of his sister

"John" Elda yelled running faster trying to catch her brother before yelling out in pain as a bullet ripped through her shoulder making her fall to the forest floor

Everyone yelled in shock seeing a 16 year old get shot. The humans all looked at Elda worry while the supernatural were glaring at Chris each of them knowing who exactly was after Elda

Elda though only looked at the screen with a cold gaze ignoring the looks thrown at her but she did tighten her hold on John hand

"No so fast little tiger" one of the men spoke up. Elda turned on her back to see two man standing over her each holding a gun to her "You're going to make the perfect weapon"

Chris took a sharp breath now knowing why the guys looked so familiar. They were hunters, his family hunters apart of Kate group, but why would Kate and her group be hunting them, they were just kids

"What do you think? She would look good being controlled" The other man nodded, Elda looked at them disgusted

Chris gripped his seat, they better not be talking about what he thinks because if they are he will kill them himself. They do not hurt kids, no matter their age, it was one rule his uncle taught him when he first started in the business

"I think so" The man bent down to grip Elda face "What do you think sweetheart?"

"I think you're forgetting something"

"Oh? And what's that sweetheart?" Elda smirked making her eyes glow sea blue "You can't cage a tiger" Elda focused and brought out her claws slashing the hunter face before kicking the other one to the ground

"What the hell!" The humans screamed as Chris looked at Elda shocked that her eyes were blue at such a young age "Oh don't look at me like that Christopher" Elda spat glaring at the man "We're tigers, all beta eyes are sea blue" Chris relaxed a little but was still tense from the glare she was sending him

The humans looked at them confused. "Why are you so calm about this?" Allison asked her dad who swallowed, he didn't think he would have to tell his daughter about this yet "You'll see" Allison huffed but turned back to the screen

Elda pushed the guy off her and took off running trying to catch where her brother and parents were. "You little bitch!" She heard the men yell but she didn't look back as she heard the noise of her brother crying. Elda ran faster breaking through to a clearing, she paused as she looked at the scene

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