Chapter 12 The Warrioress And The Green

Start from the beginning

Rather than mulling over what year either weapon was made in, the one other subject that's gotten him reflecting his mind other than the firearms was the armor. I mean he's seen military armor of many kinds from each country he's stepped foot in. For instance, the differentiation versions of the Juggernaut suit he's seen were probably the only suits of armor that he's seen that are as close to the same armor as that of the Spartan.

Yet, while the Juggernaut suit may have given the wearer near invulnerability against oncoming bullets due to the situation the person is in, its only problem is dexterity and mobility & the addition of speed, caused even a soldier while jogging could outpace the heavily armored wearer.

Still, unlike the juggernaut suit, the spartan armor is unquestionably dissimilar. Regardless of the suit, whoever it is that's wearing that highly advanced armor seems to be moving as normally as a UN soldier in armor without much issue of having to breathe strenuously every once and a while.

After witnessing the Spartan sudden arrival the man immediately reported back to the special region headquarters of what he'd seen. The leader of the unit he works under is a woman who oversees any CIA operations in a foreign country, especially one most people in his world know as Japan.

This particular woman is one he prefers to call Madam Kate Laswell, well except for the word madam. The woman always hated being called madam by him.

Upon getting a report from him about his mission in arenian, the station chief Laswell was more keen on finding out whether he had found any clue on the whereabouts of the three nato officials, and he replied by saying that he hadn't found any slaves here on the city. He doesn't know why, but after hiding in this place, he was sure that there weren't any signs of slaves on arenian and was certain that this lester would be one of the lords who didn't approve of slavery conduct, something he and his team like about him.

However, he sent a visual image of the Spartan to her after having spotted him fighting off wolfman creatures. He wanted to get a closer look but contemplated that it wouldn't have been a good idea, so chose the better option and chose a building that was only about a couple hundred yards, as he did he chose that perfect moment and clipped a picture of the armored being and sent it off to HQ where the boss lady would get it. And after about an hour later, Kate was inclined to find out who the spartan was, and where he had come from.

Regardless of the previous matter the man and his team were given a second task, which was to keep an eye on the spartan and inform her of anything else on the matter.

The now silent man was walking as he continued reflecting on his current task. He didn't know why but somehow he couldn't allow himself to be found out by the spartan, he had almost caught sight of him once before and could've sworn that he just chosen to ignore him back then.

As he was occupied in his head the man didn't notice a carriage coming by him until the rider yelled out to get out of the way. The man apologized to the elderly rider and his wife and waited till they passed by.

He then proceeded forth to the other part of the street. About a few yards away from him was a merchant shop. Seeing how decent the place was the man decided that maybe a quick brunch wouldn't hurt so much, besides, the incredible fragrance from the food being cooked was hard for him to get rid of.

As the man neared the shop he tried looking around till he noticed a short bearded man standing on a stool while he was cutting down on a piece of meat. He squinted trying to get a better look at the short man.

He stood around four feet and had a broad physique, but the one thing that made him look bizarre was the amount of facial hair that seemed to cover almost all of his face. But, the good thing about it was that it was well-braided up to not get in his way of work.

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