Chapter 12 The Warrioress And The Green

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It was past the midst of a sunny day, and while it may have not shined down on arenian very much the city itself had lanterns sticked inside a small cage where it is then being held up by a roll of metal poles that stretched down the street and that of the walkways of the town.

There was no need for people to call upon the sun and its light to give them sight when the dark was upon them, for when the night arrived the lanterns would light up giving the people a scenery of the street wherever they chose to go.

It was this idea that one of Ser Lester's soldiers had urged him to create a light pole so that the people of arenian could have a better view of this city, and so without brushing the idea off, Lester consented to his man's idea and ordered his master arms to make a street light all around in the city of arenian...

Walking along the way, a particular man wearing a tattered brown cloak with his hood covering almost all of his front face.

The man was careful not to bump into those who were nearing him. He did this to not cause any problems, for he hoped not to blow his cover when under dire situations even in the circumstances he was in.

Yet he wasn't worried about his current state, for the civilians were not knowledgeable about what had happened in Japan, though he was sure that the lord of this city was aware of the gate appearance on top of Alnus hill, but contemplated that some small numbers of people had already figured out about what had transpired on that hill. Like the fact, he has gotten word that one of the UN units was tasked to find three NATO officials who had been taken by the imperial invaders.

It was that very reason that he and the other squads were sent to other kingdoms to infiltrate them, find out, and see if they had one of their own as a prisoner and slave, cause lord knows he could know that in a world like this, slaves was very known all-around the lands, Regardless of knowing that this city's lord doesn't condone slaves, but one is, other kingdoms condones slavery and the man understood that sooner or later, slavery would eventually end, but that day isn't today.

Still, he was glad to know that not every king and queen endorsed the issue of slavery in their kingdom.

However, that wasn't what bothered him at the moment. What had truly worried him was the report he had received from special region HQ... A Japanese friend who works as an officer at HQ had told him that they may not have been the only ones who had visited this world.

At first, he couldn't believe the words that his other friends who worked with one of the squads had witnessed a strange aircraft that had appeared and taken out a forty-foot gigantic being in knightly armor Preferably he assumed that it might have been NATO's newly made jets, but no, his friend from that same squad who saw the scene said that it wasn't part of any of the UN's aircraft.

While communicating with his friend at that time, he was overheard by a couple of people who were congratulating someone in celebration. Drawn in by the racket of noise he decided to get a look, and what he saw surprised him was the sight of a very large and massive snake-like creature, he didn't believe what his eyes landed on next, but the being that was seen carrying the creature was what caught most of his attention. He assumed foremost that it was probably a tall knight in green armor which of course shattered his first notion of him the moment he caught sight of the weapons he was carrying in his back.

Of course, he saw many people around the arenian-city carrying with them guns that resembled the ones made in the 13th century and so on. Nonetheless, while peering around, he also noticed musket-like rifles that seemed to be comparable to ones from mid 14th century up to the 16th century, but the ones that the green-armored giant carried with himself far exceeded the guns from the past centuries. Heck, he could even disclose the general fact that the weapons the spartan has were far ahead of the guns in the twentieth century.

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