Vol 1, Sortie 5.5: Team bonding

Start from the beginning

Freud: "So Snail, what boring class do we have next anyways?"

Snail opened his class schedule on his scroll to see their next class. When he saw what class was next, he grew a small smirk and looked to Freud.

Snail: "Combat class."

Freud looked at Snail with small smile.

Freud: "Finally, something worth my time."

Snail: "Yes yes, you and your combat obsession."

Snail looked back to his scroll to see that the time was now 12:50 AM. Snail sighed to himself and stood up to readjusted his uniform.

"We have 10 minutes before our next class starts, let's get going."

Rusty: "Hey wait a minute! You said 20 minutes though!"

Snail: "It has, so stop being so lazy."

Snail and Freud began to walk out with Pater following close behind. Rusty groaned in annoyance but gave in, jumping off his bunk bed to follow. Once each of them were outside their dorm, they began to walk to class before Snail stopped near team RWBY's room. He narrowed his eyes at the door for a moment before stepping towards their door, knocking on it. After a few seconds, the door opened and were met by Blake.

Blake: "Oh, hey guys. Do you need something?"

Snail: "I wanted to see if you and your team were here or not."

Snail took a peek into their room and found that all remaining member's of team RWBY were present. With Ruby and Yang playing on a console while Weiss was going over notes.

"And it seems my assumption was right. You should know classes will be resuming soon, so I would advise you and your team get moving so you aren't late like the other day."

As Snail was speaking, Ruby and Yang overheard Snail's words. 

Yang: "C'mon Snail, no need to be in a rush. We still have like 20 minutes."

Ruby: "Yeah, so we can take it easy for a bit longer."

Snail looked at the both of them with an unamused expression and showed her his scroll, which showed the time being 12:51 PM. Both of their eyes widened when she saw the time, and Weiss did as well.

Weiss: "It's 12:51! Ruby, you promised we wouldn't be late again!"

Ruby: "Oh crap! Let's get going team RWBY!"

Team RWBY dropped everything and began to run down the halls with the Vesper's to reach class before they were late. Rusty was running along side Ruby to talk with her.

Rusty: "So Buddy, how's your day been?"

Ruby: "Well before all of this, me and Yang were playing Remnant Kombat 10 but she ended up beating me for most of the matches. She then began to brag about how I could learn from a real master... in short, it hasn't been that great."

Yang overheard Ruby and Rusty's conversation and decided to join in.

Yang: "My offer is still available by the way dear sister."

Ruby: "I don't need your pity Yang!"

Yang: "Ah~ Is my little sister jealous of my skills?"

Freud: "I doubt you're that good Yang."

Yang looked to her left and saw Freud running next to her. Yang took Freuds words a little too personal and narrowed her eyes slightly at him.

Yang: "Oh yeah? Think you can beat me?"

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