Chapter Nine • Renkaza (pt. 3)

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Ren/goku = Rengoku mk? °°° Requested by:  °°° Warning: Profanity

"Miss Tamayo," Rengoku said as he shut the door and walked up to his teacher, "Yes Rengoku?" He stood beside her, he looked ahead, where Tamayo was facing, and saw Akaza... Sunbathing? But there was a glass wall in between them, "Why did you call me here?" Rengoku faced Tamayo, he waited a bit, she then faced him, smiling, "There is a newcomer, I need to teach him some basics. You'll stay here and observe, understand?" Tamayo spun around and started for the door, "Oh, I must've forgotten!" She muttered to herself, Rengoku tore his eyes from Akaza and turned around to see Tamayo smiling softly, "There is a refrigerator and a little cabinet filled with snacks and drinks, if your tired of standing," she got a chair and pushed it forward, "Here's a chair for you to sit." She finally left and waved goodbye to Rengoku, who waved back warily.

💃Afterwards 💫

There was a light knock on the door, Ren flinched and spilled some water on himself which made him shiver. He scrambled off the chair and ran to the door, "yeah?" He said out of breath, Tamayo laughed softly and tilted her head a little, "Oh my, what were you doing in there?" Rengoku smiled as he started to chuckle, "Come in!" He stepped aside to let Tamayo enter, which she did. 

"Thank you," she said, Goku noticed she was a little exhausted, "So, how was it?" She sighed heavily, she explained that Conner Cox, the new personal, was actually not meant to be in this facility, he was in the department where they make antidotes. He makes Akaza's antidotes. He was confused in which department he was in, which whirled into Tamayo helping him.

"oh, must've been tough, huh?" He said, "Yes," she replied, "Miss Tamayo?" She looked up, "Do you know where is Giyu or Uzui?" "Oh! I think Uzui is working the late shift today and Giyu," she thought for a minute, "He's with Sanemi, why?" Rengoku shrugged, "I just wanted to hang out with someone," "ah..." "Well, I guess I'll visit my father instead!" "That's wonderful, dear, but," he was making way for the door but stopped, "But?" He turned to face her, "Will you come tomorrow or no?" She asked with a smile, "My apologies, Miss Tamayo, but I won't be able to come tomorrow," she nodded, "I see, well, I'll have another assistant to help me," she saw that Rengoku had an apologetical look on his face, "It's fine dear, take your time, alright?" Rengoku smiled softly "Alright."

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He clutched the key card to the department which contained that horrid creature. He swiped the key card at the entrance, the sliding doors made a beep, a flash of green appeared and then, the sliding doors opened with a small but silent squeking sound. Conner looked around nervously, cursing under his breath as he held a greyish black syrum and the cold plastic touch of the syringe and its pointy needle.


"fucking -stop moving!" Conner whispered as he tried to poke the needle into Akaza filled with a mysterious dark grey liquid. Akaza thrashed about, tail aimlessly hitting random directions. He tried to hit Conner, but he already injected a syrum that made his tail pointless. Akaza's arms flailed. He tried to get Conner off of him without hurting him, he whimpered and whined, "fucking- you mother fucker," Conner grabbed Akaza's neck, he tightened his grip (by now Akaza was clawing at Conner's hand), then the siren screamed out in pain and agony as the syringe's needle stabbed him in the vein on his neck, forcefully injecting the liquid into him, into his whole body. Akaza's hand stopped clawing and fell onto his side, Conner's grip loosened as Akaza's body went limp, his eyes were now a dull yellow. 

"tch. See you in hell freak." Conner smirked as he dragged Akaza's lifeless body and threw him into his own indoor pool. He walked out of the room only to be met with two police officers, one was pointing a gun at him whereas the other officer was holding handcuffs, in the middle stood Tamayo, looking at Conner angrily.

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Thump. Thump.

His heartbeat only stopped for a minute. His blood circulation, his organs just suddenly came to a halt.

His heart thumped, it banged his chest as he opened his eyes and inhaled liquid, water. His mind was foggy, in his murky surrounding, he decided to surface. It was only for a few seconds, but he saw humans, eyes still dim, his mind wandered off. He heard nothing but his blood pounding against his ears, something in his chest pulled and strained to be let free.

As he opened his mouth to speak, he felt nauseous, instead that strange pull set itself free, he began to sing, "Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end," his voice start low and began to increase volume. Muffled screams were heard, but Akaza didn't pay attention, he felt hungry. Hungry for human blood.

He swam to his rock, "Sun digs its heels to taunt you," the song was soft, almost like a lullaby, but everyone was running frantically, evacuating, hiding wherever they could just block the noise. His song. The siren's song. " But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same," 

Rengoku was waiting for his teacher outside the room he was in all day two days ago, that's when he heard the alarms blaring, his coworkers running out of the building. That's when he heard the singing, "Rises the moon, days fade into a watercolour blur," was that Akaza? No, that's impossible! Sure he's a siren, but, but the antidote! It'll stop him singing! Or so he thought. 

The singingg was still heard, but instead of running away from its source he ran towards it. He slid through the halls, dashed every corner and made it. He saw Akaza sitting on his rock, dazed, he tiptoed to Akaza and shook him lightly, "Akaza, Akaza," he whispered, he tightened his grip on the sirens shoulders as he then shook him back and forth even more violently than before.

He did the unthinkable, he slapped Akaza across the face. Hard. Akaza shook his head and  blinked several times, "Wha-???" Was all he said until he got pulled into a bone crushing hug, Rengoku hid his face on Akaza's neck and sobbed, "I WAS WORRIED!" Akaza sat there puzzled, but  grinned and returned the hug, wheezing, he said, " too."

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About a week later, Conner was charged with Domestic Abuse, Tresspassing, and Reckless Endangerment, he was sentenced for 25 years in jail. Rengoku got praised and was given a Peace and Hero award. Everything was going good until his boss (the big boss) told him that he was transferred to another department and was given a raise. He was upset, he and Akaza formed a pretty good relationship. They weren't official, but something made Rengoku feel like it was. 

He glumly went to work the next day and broke the news to his siren. Akaza sat at his usual spot as he stayed quiet and handled the new information thrown at him. Ren couldn't meet his eyes as he himself started tearing up. He promised Akaza to stay by his side and to not let anybody like Conner, hurt him and endanger everyone's safety. Akaza sighed contently and smiled affectionately, he shuffled to Goku and grabbed his shirt collar. He earned a small sob from Rengoku. Akaza leaned in and kissed Rengoku on the lips, Ren sniffled as he accepted and embraced the kiss. 

Akaza's arms wrapped around Goku's neck, pushing the kiss deeper, when they separated, Rengoku knew only one thing was clear, he's going to stay. Akaza was his life, his purpose, his siren, his lover, his. 


His boss was not so disappointed, but all was well and he got to stay with his true love, his siren, Akaza. The end ;-;

(I'm done with all my yapping 1360 words)

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