Chapter Two - Muzkaza • Chapter Three - Renkaza

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Zombie Apocalypse/Modern

966 words

3rd POV

"What the hell do you want!?" "Do you think their near?" "Well that's why we need to be quiet!" "Fine.", whisper-yelled Muzan, he was the leader in the apocalypses but he seemed to be putting all this leadership onto Akaza's shoulders, "Do you hear anything?" "God damn it Muzan!" "Show me some respect at least.." "Respect? Sure, only if you shut up for a while!", Akaza replied back in a whisper. After a while of not saying anything to each other, they heard some of the other members begin to stir from their sleep, Akaza sighed, "Are you tired?" "No." "You seem tired." "Why?" "You've got large eyebags, that's why." "I guess I could be, maybe I'm just stressed out?" "Maybe, but if you are, I could take a turn in looking out for everyone, you should rest." "But, we.. would have to move once again. If we stay in one spot, we'll just be an easier target." "True." "Exactly, should we get going then?", Akaza yawned and there was a long pause, he heard some shuffling.

 "Hey.. uh.. are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Not you, Akaza." "Oh." "Sure.. I'm okay to say the least." "Okay.. are we going soon?" "Yeah, try and wake up everyone without making too much noise, alright?" "Yeah.", Rui then waddled over to wake up everyone, he was half asleep so he created a bit too much noise. Muzan heard some rumbling off in the distance and he realized Rui did a bit too much noise, now they know where their at, "Get out!" "huh?" "Akaza, take and lead everyone out this instant, I'll try to hold them off!", Muzan said quickly and some of his words were slurred, but Akaza understood what he was saying, this was a task. 

"EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP NOW!", Akaza yelled, he soon heard the ground shaking, there was a horde coming, Akaza ran and grabbed all of the bags, by now all the members were awake and questioning what was happening. Some were asleep and Akaza had no choice to carry them, he held one on his back and had another, who wrapped their hands around his neck. 'shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit....', Akaza kept thinking as he started to run, "FOLLOW ME!", he screamed at the other members. They complied and were now following Akaza, "HOW ABOUT MUZAN!?", questioned Rui, "NO TIME, JUST RUN!", Akaza replied, he felt tears forming at the corner of his eyes, but right now he had to be strong.. or look strong for the rest to feel confidence and trust. Akaza kept running, he saw in the corner of his eye a cave with a small hole, small enough for a person or small animal to fit. 

"Come!", he said to the group, he then slid everything in the cave, he put down all the two persons he was carrying and tried to shove them in the hole without hurting them in any way, "It's daytime they shouldn't even be out yet, at least not yet..", he mumbled under his breath, "I'm sorry..", a voice said right behind him, "It's fine Rui." "No it's not!" "Please just listen and get in!", begged Akaza, a few tears escaped, he wiped them fast with his sleeve and pointed to everyone in the group to get inside. They were all whispering and asking questions, Akaza got impatient and yelled at them to get in without a word. When they were inside, Akaza grabbed one of the bags Gyutaro carried and asked if he could look through, after he got consent, he scavenged through the bag to find a flashlight, a lighter, some batteries, food, and water. Akaza grabbed the lighter and looked around, he could barely see anything, which he then dug in the bag for the flashlight and he tried to turn it on but it flicked so he hit it a bit and he tried doing it again and it turned on. 

He looked around with the flashlight and lighter on his hand, "Alright, so.. Here is a 'fun' announcement", Akaza said with eye rolling as his voice echoed in the cave, "Muzan is probably dead or is now infected.", Akaza said coldly as he overlooked everyone, they all gazed in horror flooding their faces, some were flabbergasted or had a gloomy face, "I will take either one or two people with me to find some sticks and twigs for a fire. I'll also look for some clothes, food, water, weapons.. you know the necessary stuff. And.. just in case, I could look for Muzan.", Akaza said as he leered at every single person, he was looking for someone who will cooperate, be silent, have agility, strong, and are very fast. His eyes locked on only one person, Nakime. He smiled as he walked over to Nakime and asked if she could go with him, she nodded and got up from her spot to be next to him. They were about the same height, though Akaza was a bit taller, 

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