Chapter One - Doukaza

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3rd POV

Akaza hummed a tune of his favourite song as he was walking and exploring his school halls. He seemed to do this perfectly normal, even though there was a pool of blood and bodies with slit throats with multiple stab marks, mostly on their heart area. Akaza finished humming his tune, he smiled as he looked down to see a petrified face as it was trying to hide among the dead, "Were you trying to act dead?", Akaza asked, giggling a little as he saw the terror flood the person's face, tears started to river down this anonymous person face as he saw Akaza reaching down his pocket only to reveal a small pocket knife, "Y'know, I think I know you, but I want this to be over with so..", Akaza smiled a bit as he slit the throat of the person who stayed paralyzed, not being able to scream, Akaza then moved the person a bit more so that he could do this murder with a bit mercy. When the they were in a perfect position Akaza got on top of them and appalled the person near their heart and continued to stab until blood was splattered everywhere on him and the floor. He got up from his uncomfortable position and continued to stroll around the halls, this time humming a different tune, a much more sinister one. 

Douma POV

I sighed, I've been looking for so long and I can't find him! I think I looked everywhere, what happens if he's not here and he somehow escaped the school! He will never see what I did just to show him how much I love him and that his mine! I'm actually quite happy that I killed his friends, though, will he be mourning for them? Would he even care about me later on if he finds out I was the one? Hell yeah. He will love me even more knowing that I massacred his friends, with only a bit of mercy, but sympathy? Fuck no!

 I literally can't even feel any emotion, but when I'm near Akaza, I feel like I want to strangle him and take him on right then and there (If you know what I mean)! Should I stop? I mean I think I blocked every exit, but I think I may have left some... Did I get all the cameras? Well, yeah, but some were already destroyed but it definitely made my life a whole lot better! Did I end the lives of all the staff of this school? Check, though some were already dead, strange. I could've sworn that I haven't even been on this side of the school, the west wing or so.. I was east and north, these bodies have only a bit of damage but most definitely dead. Strange.. I leave my signature on the walls and trail my hand on the walls, which leave a bloody trail to my whereabouts... Could there.. no way.. Could there be another killer in this school with me?! I wonder if it's my sweet Akaza!

 I was about to try and follow this mess and find the other murderer until I heard a humming, it was kind of eerie. I don't know why, but that sent a chill down my spine, what is this feeling? It feels... no, I feel a tiny bit scared, I suppose, "Douma...?", I turned around to see Akaza, he looked different, his hair was like a peach color, his clothes were all black, he even had a black ski mask to cover up  entire pretty face! He had a hood on, though only a bit of his hair was visible, "What are you doing here?", he asked me, he took off the mask and looked at me directly, I couldn't help but notice his sweet smile. "Did you make this mess?", I blinked a few times confused, "What mess?", I then smiled, not my usual one but a genuine one.

Akaza POV

 "What mess?", that dumbass said then smile, though I suppose he does have a charming smile, is that why I did all of this? Why did I fall for him anyway? WhAt MeSs?? He murdered quite a lot of people but he also killed them in a merciless way. Try to imagine a clean hall with white walls and a grayish tile for the floor, now paint it red but in a splattered way, an uncoordinated way. Now add guts and limbs everywhere, dismembered heads, mutilated bodies, unrecognizable bodies as well. "Your stupid..", I mumbled, "Aww~ and I thought you did this all for me~!", he started to pout, "I DID do it for you.", I murmured out of embarrassment to admit my true intentions. He beamed after I said that, "So...", Douma started, I was confused because he was blushing a bit, "Are we together~?" "I guess.." "Can I..." "What?" "Can we...", by now I was so lost, he the moved a bit more closer to my face. He only then stopped when both our noses were touching, I bet I looked red as a tomato, we held eye contact for a while. 

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