games // part two | p.p.

Start from the beginning

"but why?"

"bec- never-mind, just go, it's your turn," and after a moment, "no! red and yellow have absolutely no correlation! it's not even the same number!"

tony snorted, "you guys fucking suck, you know that, right?"

"go ahead, steve, you know you want to," y/n called out, pouring herself a cup of lemonade.

"christ," he rolled his eyes. "once, it was once! when are you gonna let it go?"

nat added, "bad words are sad words."

"oh, by the way, dad, peter's coming over."

"okay. wait, why?"

"we got a school project. we wanna get it outta the way."

"ooooh," the love of your life teased, though at the moment, she wasn't quite the love of your life.

"i am detecting a change in your heartbeat, y/n."

"god! it's not like that!" yeah, why was there a change in her heartbeat? it was beating against her ribcage, and she was clearly flustered. it was just peter, y/n told herself. just peter.

she chugged the glass down as an excuse not to do anymore talking before moving back to the pantry to grab a pack of sour cream and onion. y/n brought that back to her room and crashed down onto her bed. after she was done eating, she popped a piece of gum in her mouth because... actually she wasn't sure. it was sort of... instinctive.

not because she wanted to kiss peter.

well, maybe, actually.

a hook-up never hurt anyone.

she didn't think much of it. she didn't want to think much of it. to pass the time, she put on some boring, irrelevant show. soon enough, there was a knock on the door. y/n flicked off the tv and pulled it open.

"hi, pete."

he blushed, and she figured it was the nickname. and for some reason, she really liked that look on him. "h-hey." y/n moved to the side to let in him, and he took two awkward steps forward. she flopped down on the bed, pulling out her science stuff.

"you can... you know, sit down," she gestured to the beanbag and the desk. "take your pick. or you can stand, that's fine, too."

"oh- no, i-" he cut himself off, sitting down on the beanbag, freezing as he sunk into it. "it's- um, comfy."

"thanks. i think. damn, parker, you're so awk," she laughed. he laughed along, too, because she had that type of energy. her laughter was contagious, in the best type of way.

"okay, what did you wanna start with?" y/n asked, when the laughter died down after a second or two.

"um- i-i-...maybe just brainstorming better?"

"sure, then. she said power-point prez, right?"

he cleared his throat. "uh, yes- yeah."

she gave him a soft smile as she raised an eyebrow, "i don't bite. promise. you can relax."

"i- i am relaxed," he said, cursing thor as his voice cracked.

"you're sitting like an old man with your hands in your lap. but if that's how you normally sit..."

"no! i mean, no. i don't," he relaxed his shoulders, getting comfier.

she nodded, pulling up a word document, "okay, so basically, atomic defects in solids are one of the most promising single-photon sources or 'quantum emitters', an important building block for many quantum technologies. but... i assume you already know this stuff, being the genius you are."

he blushed again, and she smirked. "uh, yeah. in order to design and engineer better quantum emitters, we need to use their optical and electronic properties, as well as defect formation."

"and migration," y/n added.

"yeah. we can first-principles quantum mechanical calculations c-combined with machine-learning techniques to u-uncover key properties such as, um... defect dynamics, formation mechanisms, free energies and stabilities at... room and elevated temperatures."

she paused, "okay, wow, didn't think of it that way. go parker!"

peter blushed once more, and now that she was thinking about it, his face hadn't really gone back to normal this entire time. they went back an forth, and y/n was happy that he seemed for comfortable around her.

they did lots of subtle flirting, well, she did, he just blushed. peter and y/n had gotten to know each other better, and they did talk about things that weren't quantum physics and condensed matter.

he didn't end up leaving until somewhere around nine, and that was since they'd lost track of time. once he left, y/n laid in bed, hands tucked under her head, staring up at the ceiling. her heart beat faster at the thought of peter and she cussed under her breath, because she didn't like him. they were friends.

he was just nice for a guy, and that made her glad because most guys were pretentious douche-bags.

besides, she flirted with everyone. even cap (but that was as a joke to piss off her dad, steve, albeit, thought it was annoying too, but technicalities). so this was no different.

her heart beat faster.

she didn't like him.

she didn't like anyone like that.


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