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In the corner I wait alone
Unseen, unheard and heart unknown
In a world of love and pain
Pain is all known

Laughter fills the room
But in this place I'm just a spare
No hand extends, no voice calls for me,
I'm who they call when no one is near

With hopeful eyes, I watch them choose
Smiles get light but I stand still
Cause once again I didn't get picked

I wonder all the time if I'm enough
Or if I'm only a pawn in their game
I wonder once again what I'm doing wrong

I stand on the edge of their glee,
Hiding the ache that no one sees.
A constant question, a persistent thorn,
Unpicked, unchosen, feeling forlorn.

All this people around me
And yet not one wants to pick me
They pick and chose but as always, I'm just forgot

I watch as bonds form and ties grow strong,
Yet I remain on the outskirts, unheard in song.
Invisible to those who search for a friend,
I blend into shadows, reaching no end.

My heart so big with a lot of love to give
And yet I'm still not picked

I do and say whatever they want
Just with the hope that they will like me more

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