new york be kinda dangerous this time of night

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I woke up to the feeling of a damp and wet floor. Fearing the worse, I opened my eyes to check if the house had flooded while I was asleep.
Only to find that I wasn't in my house, I was, in fact, in a dingy old alleyway with the only clothes on my back being my pyjamas.
It was cold as shit and I was already ill, so now I was just going to end up feeling worse later on.

However, I also needed to consider the fact that I was in an alleyway in an unfamiliar place. Despite how much I just wanted to panic and shut down completely, I felt it would be more dangerous for me to stay on the streets in my current condition, so I got up off the floor and got moving.
To where? you may ask. The truth is I had no idea where I was going and was sort of just hoping that I'd find a safe place. I didn't really want to get murdered in the streets of what seemed like a run down new york City.

Continuing to think to herself and not pay any attention to her surroundings, she didn't take any notice of the four shadowed figures jumping across the rooftops above her. She was just trapped in her own little world, some part of her hoping this was all just a strange fever dream.
However, while she didn't take any notice of the shadowed figures, one of the figures did take notice of her.
The one with the orange mask slowed to a stop in order to look down at the child wandering the streets in their pyjamas. What a strange child.
The brothers of this character took notice of his halted movement and walked back over to him in order to question him in this choice, but then they too took notice of the strange, delusional child roaming the streets at night with no parental figure in sight.

While part of them wanted to jump down and see what was wrong; A) they're mutants and would most likely cause the child to die of shock, and B) its none of their business, they had stuff to do and this was not on that list of stuff.
So, despite the orange one's protests, the group continued across the rooftops.

On the ground, pyjama child was having a slight mental breakdown. The reality of their situation finally settled in for them. They decided that the best course of action would be to just fall asleep in another alley and hope they wake up at home. However, this was a stupid plan as they were then killed in their sleep by some random homeless guy who thought she had loot on her.


She awoke from her slumber to find herself back in her bed, back in her room, back in her house.
Deciding that that was a very strange dream, she curled back up and went back to sleep, hoping for a nicer dream this time.


Then she had a dream about getting chased by a leo statue and woke up again.
She beat up her donnie plushy as payback for the crimes of its nonexistent brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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