you bump into her late at night

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You had a bad day after work today and decided to go on a walk to free your thoughts.

You sighed as you kept your hands in your pockets and walked through the dark streets of the city. I had such a hard day. As you were looking down, you suddenly bumped into someone. You fell to the ground, along with the other person. You grumbled, already being in a bad mood, "Ugh, watch where you're going."

"What? You walked into me! Maybe if you weren't looking down-" "Whatever." You got up and finally looked towards the figure, seeing the person you ran into. They had a hoodie over their head and a mask on, disguising their look. You both made eye contact and noticed her angry demeanor before sighing. "I apologize for my behavior. I just had a difficult day...are you okay?" You asked as you dusted off your clothes and offered a hand.

She graciously took your hand, helping herself up. "I'm fine. I was just trying to enjoy the scenery before you took me down," she said giggling lightly. "Again, I'm sorry, really." You said once more before, feeling bad for your actions and words. "I should've looked up. Are you sure you're not hurt..." You asked, waiting for her name. "Sana. And just a little scratch on my hand. It's okay." You wondered why that name sounded so familiar, but you pushed it aside for now.

You gasped as you grabbed Sana's hand seeing a mini scrape on her palm. "Shoot, Sana, I feel worse now. Not only did I blame you, I hurt you! Please, let me get you a band-aid or something." Sana laughed as she looked at her hand before turning her attention to the worried girl in front of her and started to really notice her beauty. "If you wouldn't mind..." "Y/N." "Y/N, if you had a band-aid. It's starting to sting..." Of course, Sana was lying. She didn't feel any pain as the scratch was very small. She just wanted to spend more time in your presence.

"Sting? Oh!" You began to feel bad within every passing second and all your worries from the day dispersed. "Come with me. There's a convenience store right around the corner."

You started speed walking your way to the store, almost leaving Sana behind. "Y/N, wait!" She said giggling at your behavior. You slowed down, starting to get red from embarrassment. "Sorry." "Why were you out this late anyways?" She asked as you finally slowed down and you both matched a casual pace. You shrugged, "I just had a long day and going for a walk in the night lights is calming to me." Sana nodded, understanding you. "I get it. When my work gets overwhelming, a breath of fresh air is relaxing."

You turned to her in curiosity. "What do you do for work anyways if you don't mind me asking?" Sana wondered if she should tell you the truth, seeing as she hasn't taken off her mask yet and revealed her identity.

The pause of silence between you two made you clear your throat to get rid of the awkwardness.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable to-" Suddenly, Sana perked up. "No! It's okay. Sorry, I just didn't know if I should tell you. I think I trust you enough, being that we just met and you basically pushed me-" she said with a giggle.

You groaned and looked at her, "I said I was sorry! Believe me when I say I feel incredibly bad." Sana lightly pushed you with her own shoulder as you walked down the sidewalk. "I know you are. Here, let's stop for a second." You came to a slow halt after her request, making you tilt your head in confusion. She pulled her hoodie down her head and lowered her mask, showing off her identity.

Your mouth fell open slightly ajar, surprised at who she was. "You're THAT Sana? From TWICE?I thought it was just pure coincidence that you shared the same name!" Sana laughed and started walking again, causing you to follow her lead. She shook her head, "Well, it's me." You stayed silent with shock and started laughing out of nowhere.

"What?" Sana asked. "Nothing. It's just crazy how I met you. And I hurt you! Wait, am I going to get in trouble now? Oh-" Sana just shook her head, grabbing your arm to turn you towards her. "Y/N, you didn't hurt me. Look," she lifted her palm to show you her scratch. "See? Small. Barely even hurt. I was just trying to spend more time with you." You laughed nervously. "With me? A stranger?" Sana blushed, looking down. "A beautiful stranger who I would like to get to know better. If you allow me to, that is."

You remained silent and blinked in shock. She looked up at you and smiled.

"I-I would love to. Here," you quickly pulled your phone out and showed her your contact information. Sana in return accepted it, saving your name as 'night cutie.'

You blushed once more and put your phone away. "So, you don't need a band-aid?" Sana just laughed in response. "No. I'd rather go on a date with you instead. I'll take that as your apology." You nodded, offering her a genuine smile. "Deal. I'll text you later then?" "Fine by me."

With that, you and Sana continued your walk around the city, laughing at jokes and sharing more to each other about yourselves.

From this moment on, the walks you both used to take alone came to an end, as you continued these walks in the future accompanied by her presence, the love of your life.

TWICE Sana Imagines (fem yn x sana)Where stories live. Discover now