Chapter 15: Sylvie and Rafe

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"I can explain!" She blurted as he advanced menacingly towards her, making her back away on instinct. "I know it was stupid, and I wasn't really thinking clearly and I know what I have done constitutes as kidnapping but you cannot possibly consider taking legal action? Just think of Jane-"

The rest of what she was about to say was muffled as she collided roughly with his chest as his arms came around her, squeezing her close. His heart hammered beneath her ear as he let out a ragged "Sylvie."

"I-Rafe? Are you alright?"

"No, Jesus! What were you thinking?! Have you seen the way the snow has been coming down? These last seven hours I have gone through every horrible thing that could have possibly happened to the two of you. Do you have any idea-?!"

"It's just a bout of bad weather, I'm alright. Jane has a bit of a fever, but I'm certain it's only seasonal."

"Do you have any idea what it would have done to me if either of you-" He broke off in frustration, not relinquishing his hold on her. "I'm sorry, Sylvie."

"You are?" She stared at him in bafflement. He was not angry? Just worried?

"I lied to you, Sylvie. You're right about me not being someone a child can rely on. My lifestyle has no place for children in it, we both know that. No one in their right mind would want me to be the guardian of their child, you were right to be concerned. But Sylvie you need to stay with me anyway."

"I don't understand, Raphael what is going on?"

"Not here. I will tell you everything in London, where I can be sure there are no prying ears. All I can say for now is that I believe that you and Jane might be in danger."

"That's why you were so insistent on keeping Jane with you; because you knew I would never leave her behind," Sylvie let out a long exhale.

"Yes," he said as he finally relinquished his hold on her, he let her step away from him but held onto her hands still. "You must stay with me in London for as long as it takes for me to sort this out."

"Rafe.....was Thomas involved with dangerous people?"

His shoulders drooped down in defeat, he nodded as he ran a worried hand through his hair.

"He didn't do it, did he? He didn't do that to himself. Someone killed him," and her heart broke for her tormented brother all over again.

Oh, poor Thomas. What did you do?

"No. No, he did not."

"Then whoever did it might know that Jane is a potential witness," Sylvie felt lightheaded and dizzy. This was the sort of thing that happened in novels and outrageous stories. How could this possibly be happening to her? "We were making a fuss right and left about the fact that she was missing."

"Yes. Which is why it's imperative that you stay in London for however long it takes," Rafe lifted her hand and pressed his mouth to her palm in an adoring, soothing gesture that took Sylvie's breath away. "I want you to know that I want you to have everything you dreamed of. I want you to achieve your goals, Sylvie, but I won't risk your life, not for anything. If you are unable to achieve them right now, I swear to you that I will make it happen. But you must come with me to London, Sylvie, even if it comes at the expense of leaving your post come January."

And just like that, seven years of work lay in ash. Sylvie looked to the bed, where Jane lay sleeping, and rallied her composure. There was nothing in this world more important. There was no sacrifice Sylvie would not make in a heartbeat to keep her safe.

"Alright," she nodded shakily. "I will go with you to London."

"There's my girl," he dropped a kiss to her hand once more as if he did not wish to relinquish it. "Are you alright?"

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