Chapter 1:To My Family

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I sat on the sidewalk of the road, my hand supporting my head as I leaned on it.

The road was wet as the rain was pouring down and my coat was wet.

I didn't bring my umbrella, I didn't expect the rain.

Everytime, a car passed by, a bit of water would splash on me.

I couldn't blame them, I didn't really mine the rain either.

It was kind of comforting.

A long box leaned next to me, my only luggage.

To most people, it seemed normal but it actually contained my sword.

I was devil hunting.

I am an exorcist.

It's all I can do to hold out much longer...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I sensed a sort of ominous energy.

My eyes snapped open.

A devil.

I quickly grabbed my box and took off in the direction I sensed it.

It was rare for a devil to show up in board day light.

I stopped before opening my box and drawing out my light sword.

I gripped it and listened closely.


I drew out my light gun and fired a bullet into the distance, I heard a grunt before a thud.

I grinned.


I pushed the bushes out of the way and saw a devil girl lying on the ground, blood pouring from her leg where the light bullet hit her.

She quickly realized that I was an exorcist when she saw the cross around my neck.

"Why are you doing this to us strays! I haven't done anything wrong! I'm just trying to survive!"She yelled, tears pouring from her eyes.

I sighed.

I hear that all the time.

I pointed the gun at her head causing her to gasp, raising her hand to shield herself.

"I'm trying to survive too, so don't hold this against me."I said as I pulled the trigger.

Her head exploded and her lifeless body fell to the ground.

I put my sword back in my box and swung it over my shoulder.

I looked back at her body."Now, if you would excuse me, I have business to attend to."

I continued on my way.

I needed to get to the bus stop, Issei was going to arrive soon.


Issei and Asia had just returned from another day at school and the Occult Research Club.

They pulled off their shoes and Issei called out to his parents.

"Mom, dad! We're home!"Issei announced.

"Oh hey Issei."His mother greeted back, she had finished preparing the table and it seemed dinner was served.

"Sorry, I couldn't help."Asia apologized as she lowered her head.

"No worries, Asia."Issei's mom said as she weaved her hand.

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