CHAPTER II - Sonic v. Hedgehog Village

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Sonic v. Hedgehog Village

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After running a couple of miles, the group suddenly halted in front of the small village in a hurry.

"Quick, everyone get as many people out as you can!" Amy prompted. The group of young heroes obeyed, quickly separating to rescue as many villagers as possible. They ran through each hut warning the citizens of the dire situation; an immediate panic flushed over the crowd as they gathered together preparing to exit. Most were baffled at their urgentness, whispering shared concerns. "Please everyone, calm down! We're going to get you to safety, but you have to trust us!" Amy reassured them noticing the questionable glares they received. Their curiosity only grew not being comfortable with the lack of details.

"What's going on Ms. Rose?" An older gentleman politely asked. "Why are we in such a hurry to leave?" Amy shook her head slightly frustrated.

"I promise, we will explain everything when we get the chance, but right now, we have to get you to safety-"

"Nah, uh uh." Sonic teased blocking the villager's path. He slowly stalked up to the scared group, as a gasp rang through the crowd at the sight of their blue hero. The young group did their best to hold them back from the demented hedgehog.

"What's wrong with him?!" The mayor asked, curiously observing the hedgehog.

"Why is he glowing red!" Another shouted. The village was alarmed by Sonic's new appearance; their fear only grew as he let out a cold chuckle.

"Relax everyone, I'm still the same Sonic." He said in an eiri tone. "I even have a surprise for you all." He suddenly snapped his fingers as Eggman and a large army of hypnotizing bots instantly appeared. The heroes gasped at the sight as the robots charged the stunned crowd. Amy's eyes widened from shock at the sudden invasion.

"No. No!" She pleaded, but it was too late as the robots captured a large portion of the citizens. The mayor was confident though, being able to fight off a few robots with the small group of citizens that remained. The pink hedgehog was infuriated, struggling to protect the others.

"What did you do to Eggman!" She angrily asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out later princess." He winked at her. She only grimaced disgusted by his new demeanor before hurrying to help those who remained. The Mayor noticed the small remaining crowd weakening as more people were captured. He accepted his defeat, looking to the heroes who struggled to hold the army off. Most of the citizens had already been hypnotized waiting for their commands from the blue villain. He sighed deeply before turning to Amy who was busied with a group of hypnotizers.

"You guys go ahead!" He said looking at the stunned group. Amy shot him a look of disapproval.

"No, we're not leaving you..." She argued, smashing another robot.

"There's too many!" He replied, holding off the legion of bots trying to attack him. Amy shook her head.

"But we're the heroes."

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