CHAPTER I - The Vacation

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The Vacation

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"Mom bot, please hurry! We're going to miss our reservation!" Eggman whined. The motherly bot stormed out of her bedroom, fuming at his impatience.

"Now, young man, is that any way to talk to your mother?" She scolded. Eggman chose not to argue, sighing in defeat.

"No, mom bot." He groaned. She resumed her packing once again, gathering extra tools for any surprising repairs she may need.

“Now where did I put those extra bolts?” She curiously searched the small room. Eggman muttered something under his breath, slowly turning his attention to his doppelganger from an alternate dimension.

"Steve, are you at least close to ready?" Eggman asked, growing more annoyed by the minute. You think that by building an entire mechanical family, they'd at least master the art of time management. After several minutes, the doppelganger finally stepped out from the doorway, sporting his usual blue lab coat. He noticed him hauling, not one, but two large, light blue suitcases; he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight.

“You know it's only three days, right?” Eggman crossed his arms. 

“Pfft, yea! I like to be extra prepared, unlike some morons.” He motioned to Eggman's small duffle bag.

“How dare you? I'll help you know, I'm not a robot! I don't need nearly as many supplies as you dunderheads!” He spat.

“What was that last part?” Mom bot angrily asked, peaking her head into the hallway. Immediately, Eggman broke into a nervous sweat.

“Haha nothing…” He nervously laughed. He knew he was in for a scolding. Luckily, the lair doors opened, grabbing Eggman's attention.

“The ship's all ready to go, sir!” Orbot the small, red robot saluted his master. A low growl suddenly erupted from the irritable man.

“It's about time. Have you all finished packing yet? I'd liked to be smothered in sunscreen, lounging on the beach before noon!”

“Don't get your knickers in a twist.. ’re hurrying!” The motherly bot finally retreated from her room with a small pink suitcase towing behind her. The doctor shot a perplexed expression her way.

“Two hours for that!” He asked, shocked. She only stared at him with a blank expression. “I- I mean, let me grab that for you.” He nervously shuffled to the irritated bot, taking her bag carefully. “Please, go ahead and get comfortable on the ship.” He stuttered, not wanting to pester her any further. She huffed while walking past him to get settled in the large aircraft. Eggman did one final check of the laboratory, making sure everything was in order; feeling certain, he locked his lair and activated his security systems before venturing to their vacation resort.

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"Why do we keep eating at this horrible place?” Amy picked up her undercooked fish sandwich, observing it carefully. The group of young friends, minus Sonic, only shrugged, feeling uncertain. 

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