chapter three

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It has been three hours since the reaping. Esperanza was now sitting on a couch in their white luxury living room. It had a large sofa made of white leather and a fireplace in front of it. There was a screen on top of the fireplace and the room was filled with beautiful plants.

From the big windows that covered an entire wall on the right, could see that sun was setting. Coriolanus and his family were to be here soon.

She sighed and looked outside watching the breathtaking sunset. The sky was painted in vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple. It was like a masterpiece in the sky.

Suddenly there was a knock on their door. She got up from the sofa and headed to their door where she heard voices.

"Don't touch that Coryo, you are going to ruin your outfit, as well your chances with her." She recognised the voice, it belonged to Tigris, her best friend. Oh how she loved her.

She opened the door slowly to reveal Coriolanus who was standing straight and Tigris that was helping him to settle his white rose that sat on the left side of his chest.

Tigris was wearing a beautiful purple dress with some purple heels. Her golden blond hair was pulled down in curls. Tigris always managed to look beautiful whatever she wore and Esperanza almost envied it a little bit.

Coriolanus had the same clothes as in the reaping ceremony. He now had a white rose instead of red, on his left side of his chest. His golden curls were something she never got over with. They were absolutely beautiful and all she wanted to do was to run her hands through it.

"Hel-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was pulled in a hug by Tigris who squeezed her hard.

"Oh Espe, I missed you so much," Tigris said and pulled away giving a warm smile to her. Esperanza returned the smile and squeezed her hands. "I missed you too,"

"Where is your Grandma'am?" Esperanza asked confused still squeezing her hands.

"She sadly couldn't make it tonight." Answered Tigris.

Tigris was standing tall in front of her but she was still shorter than Coriolanus.

She was suddenly pulled to an another hug but this time it was Coriolanus that pulled her to his chest. He was tall and she barely reached to his collarbones. Esperanza hugged him tightly but was interrupted by her father clearing his throat.

"Tigris, Coriolanus, please make yourself at home," He spoke with his deep voice, nodding to Tigris and Coriolanus.

"Thank you Mr. Rose, we are very grateful to be here tonight," Said Tigris smiling to her mother and father.

"Oh please, just call me Silas. You two are basically part of our family." Her father stated and gave Tigris a warm smile.

Tigris returned it and gave Esperanza's mum a hug who stood next to her husband. She hugged her back.

"Dinner is being served," Said a servant behind them.

They all nodded and began to head to the dining room what had white walls like the rest of their home and a crystal chandelier hanging from the roof. On the black long wooden table was served a delicious looking dinner with some juicy steak, roasted potatoes and refreshing salad.

Esperanza's father sat on the head of the table and her mother sat on the other side. Coriolanus and Esperanza both took a seat to her father's sides across from each other. Tigris was sitting next to her mother leaving one chair empty beside her mother.

They slowly began to eat their foot in silence before Esperanza's mother was there to break it.

"So Coriolanus I heard you got a District twelve girl from the reaping. Is that true?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, it's true Mrs. Rose." He said looking to Annora, her mother and then looking down to his plate.

"Ahh what a shame. You and Esperanza are very bright students and top of your class. It's a shame you got bad luck." She stated and began to eat her salad.

"She started singing in the middle of the reaping," Esperanza said. "She is out of her mind or she thinks that Hunger Games is some kind of a talent show." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh, in that case I wish you good luck Coriolanus." Said her father and nodded.

Coriolanus gritted his teeth and turned to her father. "Thank you sir, I will do my best." He said.

"Tigris, I heard from Esperanza about your fashion creations and i'm eager to see them." Her mother smiled to Tigris next to her.

They ate their food in peace until Esperanza and Coriolanus had slipped to Esperanza's room leaving Tigris talking about fashion with her mother.

They stepped into Esperanza's room. Esperanza was sitting on her bed while Coriolanus was pacing the room back and forth.

"What is it?" Esperanza asked looking up to Coriolanus who had now stopped the pacing to looked at her.

"Highbottom is sabotaging us. You saw my tribute and your tribute. They are both under fed and unstable." He said.

"Can't we talk about something else?" She said and played with her fingers.

"I-I can't get it out of my head. I-I don't know what to do Epi." Coriolanus told her and looked down to his hands.

"We will figure out something." Esperanza gave him a warm smile.

"There's no time, the tributes arrive tomorrow." He said.

"Highbottom said it was not just about winning."  Esperanza stated.

"Everything is about winning." Coriolanus said and stepped closer to her. "If not the games now, then the crowd."

"Lucy Gray won't survive a minute in that arena. Your tribute may have a chance to win but mine doesn't," He continued and looked to Esperanza.

"So that means I have to make every second before that count. I get her to sing again." Coriolanus announced.

"How?" Esperanza pinched her brows together. "I wouldn't sing a note for you if I was her. I wouldn't do anything at all unless I could trust you." She continued.

"She's District Epi," Coriolanus said. "She knows we hate her and wants us dead. How I'm supposed to get her to trust me?"

"Imagine if it was you name they pulled in. You have been ripped from your home, away from your friends and family." She said. "I would just want to know that somebody still cared about me here."

"Don't just discount her because she's District Coryo." She said. "They are human beings like us. You might have more in common with her than you think." Esperanza grabbed his hands while he was standing in front of her.

Coriolanus looked at their hands and then looked to her face into her beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

"Thank you Epi, I don't know what I would do without you," He said and squeezed her hands.

"You don't have to think about that. I will always be on your side no matter what," She smiled.

She was soon pulled into his warm chest. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around her and kissed the crown of her head. She hugged him back and buried her head into his chest.

There was a knock on her door and Esperanza gestured them to come in. Tigris opened the door and Esperanza and Coriolanus pulled away from each other.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's getting late and we need to leave," Tigris said and looked to Coriolanus who nodded and walked to her.

"See you tomorrow," Esperanza said to Coriolanus. He nodded and gave her a warm smile.


Ahh I can't wait to write about the games, I have so much on my mind.

Lots of love and I wish you well <3

+ Don't forget to vote :)

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