「Whiskers of Transformation」

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Me and Rhea were walking back home from school. and we see a stray cat by our usual tree spot. and Rhea, being the cat person she is, of course approached the cat. it is a calico cat I must say.

It looked dirty, and had scars all over it. but when Rhea came closer to it, it layed down on its back and showed its belly. it trusted her, it wanted belly rubs. and again, Rhea being a cat person happily gave it its belly rubs.

—"Junoo! should we keep itttt~?" she questioned me.
—"Eugh... Its... dirty though.."
—"Oh please, he's just as dirty as your mind. don't act like you also ask for attention and don't seem messy."
—"Fine. You caught me there. but you'll clean up its shit though."
—"YAAAAAAAAY" she uses her scarf to pick up the cat as she happily carried it home.

we arrive at our doorstep and open up the door. we let the cat in and let him get comfy.

—"What will we name the lil buddy?" I questioned.
—"He's a calico cat... Kalego..?"
—"You need'a stop watching anime for at least a day."
—"Um.. no."
—"What do ya think of Copper?"
—"YEAAHHH" she exclaims.

she crouched at Copper and gave him more belly rubs. she seems to love him so much. I silently pout behind her, crossing my arms.

—"See? That's what I meant when you always ask for attention." she announced, I pout even more.
She came up to me and finally gave me a hug. I try to push her off now, seeming embarrassed after asking for attention.
"Kay enough of this, we should feed him first!" she exclaimed. She got a can of tuna out while I went and grabbed a small circular tupperware so he can eat on it. We wouldn't want a mess on our floors, duh.

Copper happily ate while we put our stuff down in our room.
We came back and saw the plate was clear, he was also cleaning himself up by licking his paw rubs the paw on his face. You get what I mean.

(A few weeks later, naur)

Copper was like very comfortable with us. for the first week, he was very much affectionate with us, and so were we; we were very much loving him. but slowly and surely, he was turning slightly moody around the apartment. I mean, when we get back home, he wouldn't come to us anymore and rub himself all over us. or whenever we're back we'd see mess all over like the tissue paper all around the house,

some furnitures scratched, his cat tower all messed up, and so on.

While we're back home from University again, we decide to buy him treats. So we headed to the pet store. we went to the cat stuff aisle and there we saw an aisle full of treats for cats.

We saw one that mostly caught our eye. it had an interesting color and name. it even had an eye-catching description.

"Whiskers of Transformation!" the packaging said.
"Is your cat feeling moody? Get them these treats! slowly, they'll start loving you again. and soon, maybe there will be effects too! perhaps, turn them human!" The last sentence really caught our eye. It was also the last one, so we took it right away before others did.

we got back home and shook the packaging.

"Copper~! We're home!~" Rhea announced.

while shaking the packaging, Copper sure was approaching us.
We opened it up and fed him one.

~{Copper the cat's POV :3}~
I came up to them and wanted to feed me this strange looking treat. I am a bit hesitant of course, well I mean, it smelled great.

It smelled like some sort of fish, perhaps Salmon. but it's color.. Am I high? It looked like it kept changing color. like every second its red, suddenly it's cyan. I sniff it before opening my mouth and then finally eating it.

I munch and munch on it. It tasted nice. Just like the smell, it tasted like Salmon. the looks of it just... I just didn't like it, I felt like I was high.

Suddenly I keep sneezing and coughing. I felt a lot of energy in me, I wanted to run around the house. But at the same time, I wanted to rub myself all over my owners. I feel really dizzy.

I spin and spin, before suddenly collapsing. Perhaps I had fainted. What did they feed me..?

After some time, I got up again and saw them looking at me, worried. I meowed twice at them and rubbed myself all over themselves. They started to talk to each other. but the cat I am just didn't understand, but they looked happy and enthusiastic. The only words I could make out were:

"It worked!".

Wait, what? I understood some human words? I opened my mouth to say one of their names.

—"R... Rhea..." I muttered out. They looked at me, their eyes even shining brighter. One of them suddenly hugged me, screaming at the other one, but she seemed really happy.

(Juno POV yay)

—"OH MY GOD JUNO COPPER SPOKE MY NAME AAAHHHHH" she yelled at me enthusiastically.
I head to our room and just went to sleep while she just kept giving Copper affection.

(A week later)

We're back home. We open up our door,

only to see a strange guy. He had white hair, some orange and black spots around his hair too. He was wearing some white sweatshirt with a collar, wearing shorts and leg fishnets along with leg warmers. he also had some cat ears alone with a tail.

almost how we'd imagine Copper if he was a human. He was also just as tall as an average guy student, maybe around 5'3. (wtf is with the detailing)

I grabbed my shoe and pointed it at him.

"Who are you!? Why are you here?! How did you get inside?!" I yelled.
—"Juno! Please, calm down. It's me, Copper! Y'all's cat! Remember?" he answered.
—"Wait. Is it really you, Copper..?" Rhea questioned,
"Yes, it's really me!" he confessed, opening his arms wide, expecting her to hug him right away. and she sure did. she tackled him down in a hug.


"So... uh.. Copper, how did this happen?"
—"... It's probably from the treats y'all once fed me. Remember when I fainted from that? And wen I spoke Rhea's name?"
—"Oh... then how did you know our names?"
—"I just kept hearing y'all call each other, that way I learnt your names."
—"Ah... Is that so? Well then... Make yourself at home then. We just... don't know where we'll let you sleep in this house. our couch isn't so comfy to sleep on, trust me."
—"I could probably still transform into a cat and just sleep on my cat bed, the one y'all bought."

Then poof, Copper turned into a cat and layed down on his bed.

The end (^ • u • ^)

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