The Four Friends and a new guy!

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Furo finally wakes up for her school. She kind of seems stressed again... she's been doing the same routine for school for 10 years of her life, yet she's not used to it? how hilarious. well, Furo gets on with her daily school routine. wake up, take a bath, eat breakfast, dress up, fix her stuff, and leave for school. on the way, she meets two of her friends, Harper and Matto.

"Hey, guys! didn't expect to see you both here on the way." Furo happily greets the two. "Yo!! How's life?" Matto replies to the happy girl. "Ooh, and ya got any gossip from the class?" Harper asks Furo. "Stop interviewing me will you both?- I can't answer that many questions!" Furo answers the two, feeling stressed. "Ah, well I'm sorry Mrs. Furo" Harper sarcastically says, fidgeting her fingers, suddenly the three bursts of laughter. some students going to school looking strange at them.

"Oh, and have y'all heard about the new student coming?" Furo asks the two. "Yeah! Heard his name was Willow or something." Matto replies. "Huh, seems Abi's late again." Furo worringly says. "What? worried 'bout your girlfriend?" Harper interviews. "WHA- sh-she's not my girlfriend!" "yet." Matto and Harper confidently says. the two then dramatically gasps at each other and says: "GREAT BRAINS THINK ALIKE!". the trio once again bursts of laughter. 

"Hey, y'all! sorry I was late, I happened to oversleep." the girl, so called Abi finally got to school. "Guys, look! ain't that the new kid?" Harper willingly points at the so called kid 'Willow'.

The squad approaches the new kid. "Hey there! are you new here?" Abigeiru interviews the kid. "y-yes I am.. Can you guys please show me around?" Willow shyly replies. "Of course!" Harper exclaims.

After showing around

"Thank you guys so much for showing me around! May I please have your names?" Willow requests. "I'm Abigeiru Suzuki!" "Furo Hanna! call me however you like." "Matto Kyuketsuki." "The name's Harper Tsugumi, Harp for short!" Harper smiles. "she's not usually this happy-go-lucky like personality to other kids. could it be?.." Matto overthinks. "You all have such great names! the name's Willow Kohi, nice to meet you four! I'll see you guys at class!"

"Bye!" "Take care, new kid!" "Don't get lost!" Harper stays silent.

"Hhh- h- he's... just- ah- GAH!" Harper stutters, blushing rose red. "woah! what's this? love at first sight?!" Matto exclaims. "I guess so." Abi chuckles upon saying.

「ˋˋMade up stories!ˊˊ」Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora