chapter eight- Elf traitor

Start from the beginning

"She still hasn't returned. That's not like her. What if something happened?" Tauriel spoke worried.

"Maybe she just got lost." Laerornel said trying to calm her down.

"Shouldn't at least one of us go look for her?" Legolas said as he stood up. "I'm going-"

"No!" Laerornel suddenly yelled. Her face looked shocked and panicked. It threw both Legolas and Tauriel off guard.

She noticed the look they were giving her and quickly fixed her expression. "I will go, you two stay here." She said in her normal tone and quickly took off with no further explanation.

Tauriel waited for her to be completely gone from view before speaking. "That was, weird. Don't you think?" She looked at Legolas as she asked him.

Legolas simply nodded too deep in thought to actually answer, he continued to look at the direction Laerornel left from. 'Why would she react like that?'

Eliriel dusted herself off and picked up her bow and a few daggers that had fallen on the ground during the fight. The orcs were not so difficult to defeat but during the fight they managed to slice Eliriel's left arm. The cut was a bit deep but she ignored she pain and gathered her stuff.

'Just a bit of healing and it's going to be as good as new.' She thought.

Just as she picked up her last dagger, she heard footsteps coming her way.

'Not again! Don't tell me there's more orcs, I've had enough of them for a day.' She thought as she turned around, swiftly throwing the dagger at the person approaching her. But as soon as she took a closer look at the figure she gasped.

"Do you want to kill me!?" Laerornel managed to say and let out a breath she was holding, thankful that the dagger missed its target and hit a tree instead.

"Laerornel!" Eliriel went quickly and hugged her friend. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were an orc. I've already dealt with two of them so I thought there were more."

Laerornel pulled away from the hug. "Orcs, what happened?" She said and then started walking with Eliriel back to the camp.

"I was making my way back when they suddenly grabbed me and dragged me away." Eliriel sighed. "It was really weird, as if I was their target specifically for some reason."

Eliriel saw Laerornel's hand flinch a little. 'Is she worried for me?' She thought and smiled.

"What makes you think that?"

"They said something about my hair, that I was 'the one', they probably meant target."

The two friends walked in silence for a few minutes until Laerornel broke it. "So, how did you kill them? Did you cut off their heads or stabbed them through the heart?" She smirked.

"No, I just froze their bodies." Eliriel smirked back."Having these powers makes things a bit easier."

"Hmm." Laerornel nodded. "Did they mention anything el-"

"Thank the Valar, you're finally back!"

A voice was heard, the girls knew who it belonged to. Tauriel hugged her dear friend tightly, relieved she was safe.

"Yes, sorry for worrying you all." Eliriel hugged her back and smiled. When they pulled away, she noticed Legolas standing a few meters away from them. The look on his face showed he too was relieved that she's back. She sent him a smile which he returned but then she remembered her conversation with Lady Elbereth and quickly looked away, blushing slightly.

"We were really worried you know. Don't do that again." Tauriel scolded her.

Eliriel chuckled. "I'm sorry I won't-"

"You're bleeding." Legolas interrupted her by grabbing her arm gently. "How did you get hurt?" He asked switching his gaze between her and her bloodied sleeve.

"Oh that, it's nothing, just a scratch."


"It doesn't look like that to me." Legolas insisted. "He's right mellon." Tauriel added and Laerornel nodded too.

"Well, it really is. I will explain everything after I clean it. You don't have to worry." She gently grabbed his hand to release his grip on her arm and gave him a reassuring smile. Legolas just huffed at her stubbornness and let go.

"Here, give me your daggers, I'll sharpen them for you. At least let me do that." Tauriel said extending her hand out.

Eliriel sighed and nodded. "Fine." She gave Tauriel her weapons and left to sit down near a pond to clean her wound. She lifted her bloodied sleeve up and looked at it. Blood was dripping out from the wound and down to her hand. It was a mess even though she didn't want to admit it. 'Now that Legolas can see me I can't use my ability. I have to clean it the normal way.' She then ripped a small piece of cloth from her tunic and dipped it in the water. After that she gently rubbed the cloth on her wound, making sure to get rid of the dried blood around it, which caused her to wince in pain every once in a while. Suddenly Legolas sat next to her and took the piece of cloth right from her hand.

"Hey, what was that fo- Ouch!" She hissed as he proceeded to clean her wound. "I can do that on my own you know."

"I know." He said, still cleaning her wound. There was a small pause until he spoke again." Sorry for hurting you." After he was done he ripped a part of his own tunic and wrapped it around Eliriel's arm. "It's alright." She told him, looking down at her injured arm. "Thanks." She smiled at the thought that he ruined his clothing for her silly wound.

"How did you get hurt Eliriel? And don't lie to me, I know no spider attacks by slashing its pray." Legolas asked her, his gaze turning from worried and soft to serious.

"You're right. I wasn't attacked by spiders. It was orcs." Eliriel answered him, making his expression change to a confused one. "I don't know what they were doing so far away from their pack but from what I heard before I killed them, I was their target."

"Orcs, did I hear this right? What are they doing away from their pack?" Tauriel suddenly asked approaching the duo with Laerornel. "I thought they were hunting the dwarves."

"I don't know. That's what I wonder about too." Eliriel explained. "But it seems I am being targeted as well."

Eliriel thought it was best she didn't mention anything about the elf traitor. She didn't want to believe it herself, but if it was true, Legolas would have them all return back in seconds. And that would mean they wouldn't be able to help the dwarves. She would have to look into that later.

"But, why? Why would they target you?" Legolas questioned confused and worried about the situation.

"I, don't know." Was all Eliriel could say. She shared a look with Tauriel and she knew that her friend was starting to understand the reason why.

"Well, enough of that. Let's get some rest, it is very much needed." Tauriel suggested. "We can keep moving at first light."

Hellooo!! How are y'all? Sorry for the short chapter but ever since I started uni I don't have that much free time anymore so it was a bit difficult to finish this. But finally I did I hope you liked it!<3333

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