"Oh really? You found time while working at the butchery?"

Dahlia gave Timothy a confused look.

"Isn't that what you said? The first time we met? That you're his co-worker." T said this very pointedly. He knew what he was doing.

Dahlia looked down in shame. "That was wrong, I'm sorry." 

"Come on, Tim. We're all making an effort here." Joe said.

Timothy sighed. "I just don't like lying."

"Me neither. No more lies from now on. I promise." Dahlia said sternly.

It was so hard not to like her. She was basically radiating good person energy.

I looked at Timothy. He ignored her and continued to stare at his plate.

There was a moment where Joe and Dahlia were talking and not paying attention to us. I leaned in to T's ear as discreetly as I could.

"Be good." I spoke quietly.

"I'm trying." T answered.

"Try harder." I moved my hand up his leg, close to his zipper. He blushed and nodded.

"Why don't you show him and Josh some of your illustrations?" Joe asked Dahlia.

"I don't know.." She answered.

"I'd love to see them. And so would he, right T?" There was a threatening edge to my voice. I put my hand on his crotch. T nodded while he blushed some more. "Yep." He said quietly.

I almost began to laugh. I wanted to scoop him up and take him upstairs already. Lock the doors and spend the rest of the night alone with him.

"Alright then." Dahlia smiled. She got up and grabbed something out of her bag.

"I didn't write this," She said while sitting back down. "But I did the illustrations. I do this for a lot of children's or sometimes fantasy books like this one." Dahlia opened the book and showed us a colorful page. There was an illustration of a purple monster with multi colored scabs everywhere. I wasn't much of an art guy but I liked this. I loved it. Something about the way you could see the sketch strokes made it comforting to look at.

"It's stunning!" I said.

"Thank you." Dahlia said happily. She looked delighted.

I looked at Timothy and he stared at the page. I couldn't read his expression. He gulped.

"Isn't it wonderful, Tim?" Joe asked.

T nodded before looking away. "How long did it take you?" He asked quietly.

Dahlia looked surprised yet excited Timothy showed some interest. "This one only took eight hours. But the one at the end took me.. like a month to get right." Dahlia flipped to the last page.

It was a picture of another monster- creature. This one bigger than the last, it took up two whole pages and even then part of the creature wasn't in frame. The colors were brighter yet the pencil strokes, delicate, twirly. It weirdly reminded me of T's handwriting and his doodles.

Timothy didn't quite gasp but his eyes widened and his mouth fell open ever so slightly. It was doing something to him. Though I wasn't sure what.

"Remember when you used to draw? It's eerily similar, don't you think?" Joe asked.

Timothy nodded. He finally looked Dahlia. "They're beautiful." He said. He looked sort of sad.

"I'm glad you like them." Dahlia said. "I would love to see your drawings sometime."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now