First visit

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Izzy's Pov

Walking into the arsenal training grounds was a very different experience to how it felt joining my other clubs. It felt extremely welcoming and for once I was not nervous. Up until this point I was so stressed out about coming here. New country, new club, new friends, new opponents. But now I feel refreshed, I knew I had made the right decision.

I was told when I did media at the emeriates to go straight through reception and wait there for someone to meet me. So I entered through the doors wearing my brand new Arsenal tracksuit rearing readily for the day ahead. Luckily I'm a extrovert so I would have no problem starting conversations and knowing I've already met a few of the players is definitely going to help that.

"Izzy right"- the captain of arsenal appeared in front of me putting her hand out to shake mine.

"Yes that's me hi"

"Jonas asked for me to come collect you and take you to the meeting room to come meet some of the girls." Kim stated

"Alright thanks Kim"

"Yeah no problem your gonna fit right in already I know Steph won't stop talking about you"

"Steph doesn't stop talking no surprise there"

Kim laughed "yeah true so it's just through here"

I was following behind Kim keeping the conversation at a high getting to know each other and a bit more about how the club works. Finding out that they do mandatory team bonding atleat once a week taking in turns on who's hosting and how they have their training sessions sometimes in groups always changing it about so everyone has a chance to work with everyone.

As I entered the room the girls were all chatting amongst themselves in there own groups with a couple of girls floating between them.

As soon as Kim made a gesture I had people coming straight up to me. Obviously the first to peak was McCabe

"Ahhh Izzy long time no see"-she joked

"McCabe lovely to see you again a night without me wasn't enough."

"You see Kerr it feels longer"

"Ahh Izzy McCabe stop stealing the new girl your gonna freak her out."

"Leah nice too see you again"
I blushed, there was a strange feeling in my stomach I couldn't work out what it was but I liked it and I was sure that none of my new team mates needed to know that I was blushing so I looked around the room pretending to be interested in what was going on.

"I weren't scarin her Williamson I was welcoming her"kaitie responded

"Sure sure" Leah joked

I was walked around the room with Kim, Leah and Katie starting conversations with everyone getting to know them before we went outside for training which we were starting an hour later than usual for my benefit of introducing myself.

After about half an hour I settled down on a chair with the aussies and McCabe just talking mostly about the 'arsenal love island' that apparently happened were most people except from a few had a partner and apparently it was their Job to find me one. I had been In relationships before and wasn't scared to say I was an open lesbian but I haven't been in a relationship since I played in Australia as I have found it hard to connect with people in that way. But also I didn't like being alone therefore I had my fair share of hookups in America that I hope to leave that behind a r start a new reputation here.

We had Jonas come in to speak to us about his plans for the week with our upcoming game against Manchester City where we talked about tactics he told me that he has plans for me to play in the second half which I was pleased about to be able to play my debut at the emirates stadium.

After the talk, we all went out through to the kit room to get out boots and kit ready for the training session ahead. I was introduced to the coaches who were extremely welcoming and excited to have someone new to coach.

We started off doing shuttle runs running from the goal line to half way and back slowly getting the distance shorter but the speed quicker, then moving into tactical defending and attacking drills making sure we were prepared.

Once we had finished we went back inside for some lunch then headed up to the gym, where I believe everyone was on there top behavior as I had never seen a gym session so quiet and I don't think they had either.

We all started to slow down with the chatter arising I was talking to Lia Walti while on the bikes about her evening plans which consisted of apparently nothing so I decided to invite her round to my new apartment and we decided it invite a few other girls as well.

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