41 Time is Precious

Start from the beginning

"If Rahim Kaka had been with us, Mithra's power would not have grown to this extent," Akash said.

"What are you saying, Akash? What a SERVANT could do against the Queen?"

"No, Arnav, he was not just a servant. My mother treated him as her brother. Rahim Kaka respected our mother like a Goddess"

"Then why did he go leaving you when you guys needed him more?"

"That's the question disturbing me," Akash said.

"Who is Chandra Bose?" I asked as if I didn't know about it.

"He was our father's best friend, accountant of our Palace"

"He also left you guys?"

Akash nodded no.

"He was thrown out of the Palace"

"What are you saying, Akash? He was your father's best friend and also an accountant at the Palace. Who could think of throwing him out of the palace and why?"

"He was thrown out because he misbehaved with HER"

"Did he?"

"I don't know"

"Maybe, your father would have known it"

"Or, maybe, he was told so..." Akash said and I understood WHO would have told Shashi Gupta so. Yet, I asked,

"What do you mean?"

"Both of them were loyal to our mother. Bose uncle was sent out before our mother's demise and, Rahim Kaka left the palace after their wedding. I can't take it easily"

Khushi nodded yes. There was silence on the dinning.

"Khushi, pack the Biriyani and send it to Uncle. When Akash is there for you, you don't have to fear about her," I said.

Khushi nodded okay. There was no hesitation on her face. That surprised me.

We finished eating lunch. Khushi ordered Harini to pack the Biriyani. She packed it in a hot box and kept the bag in Akash's car.

"I'm leaving," Akash said.

"I thought you wouldn't LEAVE us," I said in double meaning smiling.

Akash rolled his eyes smiling.

"I'm not LEAVING you but the Mini Palace. I will always be with you" He said.

Khushi smiled.

"Next time, come with Payal," I said and Akash controlled his smile.

"After making a call..." I added and he laughed.

"See you" he walked smilingly.

I and Khushi followed him. Before getting into the car, Akash stopped and hugged me. I didn't know what happened to him. Breaking the hug, Akash looked at me and said,

"I'm so glad Khushi is happy with you... I can understand how much effort you would have put in to get her trust. She was scared when I said I would take Biriyani to Dad. But she readily agreed when YOU asked her to do it. That means she trusts you more than me. She was not ready to marry you. She had almost lost hope in her life but now, I can see her eyes smiling. The smile is not fake. No doubt, it's because of you, Arnav. You have fulfilled something in her life that we missed doing. Thank you for being with her"

"I just did what a husband should do"

"I don't think anyone other than you would have done that"

I became silent.

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