Chapter six: An unrequited love

Start from the beginning

During lunch time he said he wanted to sit with his hyung so he couldn't be with me, but it's fine. I was looking through the canteen for a place to sit when I was approached by a tall guy with broad shoulders.

"You are new here right, I am worldwide handsome Jin nice to meet you" ok he is handsome but isn't it like other people to praise you, not you yourself.

" I am Jungkook and Yeah, I am a new student" I said giving him a small smile.

"You're cute" he said and put his hand on my shoulder and dragged me to his table, well I don't care who you are but for me you are an angel because I saw eunwoo sitting at the same table he saw me and waved at me giving me a smile. I smiled back at him.

"It's good that you know him, both of you are in the same class how come you didn't bring this bunny with you" Jin said in a scolding tone.

"Sorry hyung I thought you all would not like it" eunwoo said with a cute pout.

"Anyways introduction time ok so this guy who looks like a ball of sunshine is Jung hoseok you can also call him hobi and next to him is eunwoo's elder brother Park Jimin but is with a shortage of height" Jin said offending Jimin hyung.

"Hello I am Jeon Jungkook nice to meet you guys" I said with a little bow, i must say they are super friendly and suddenly i didn't need to worry about myself finding friends, we talked a lot. After lunch me and eunwoo were walking back to the class when we saw a girl being bullied by some boys we ran to them to stop them from bullying her. They ran on seeing us, eunwoo helped the girl to collect her belongings.

"Are you hurt, should i drop you to the infirmary" eunwoo asked her.

"No it's fine I am not hurt thank you for helping me" she thanked us, we returned her books back but suddenly a hiss escaped from her mouth.

"Your hands are scraped" I said, eunwoo took the books from her hands and gave them to me.

"This needs to be cleaned you can't leave it like that" he took out a water bottle from his bag and washed her hands and wrapped his handkerchief on her hand.

"You have to apply ointment on it, you should come to the infirmary, jungkook pls bring her books" saying this he dragged her to the infirmary. This was the first time I felt like a third wheel. I kept her books in the room and left from there.

From that day onwards I used to see both of them talking to each other, they would always be together, he even sat with her during the class, ate with her during the lunch. What was hurting me the most was the love i always saw in eunwoo's eyes when he looked at her, I wanted that for me but his eyes were never the same when he looked at me. I understood that it was my first love and also an unrequited love.

Back to present

"I thought...he has forgotten abou-tt her, but how could he forget about his first love, when here I am sobbing over my unrequited lov-ve" jungkook tried to stop his flowing tears but it wasn't in his control.

Jimin called jungkook but he wasn't picking up his call now he was super worried so sat in his car and drove to jungkook's apartment.

After reaching he rang the bell but no one was opening the door, so he tried to turn the knob only to find that it was open he came inside the apartment which was filled with darkness all lights were off. He moved towards the hall and saw a figure curled up in a ball his head buried in his knees. He quickly sat beside him.

"Jungkook what happened" Jimin knew he was hiding his emotions, now seeing him in this condition pained his heart. Jungkook was just 21 when he lost his dad and mom in an accident he was still a kid who has gone through a lot even when the only thing he deserved was happiness. Jimin had been by his side and always considered jungkook as his younger brother just like eunwoo, so seeing him in such a state was a shock to him.

"Hyun-g" he sobbed like a baby and wrapped his hands around Jimin hugging him tightly. Jimin rubbed his back trying to support him as much as possible he can't see the cheerful bunny like that.

"I am here for you kookie let it all out" jimin said comforting him.

"H-hyung I am so unlucky right, I don't deserve...lov-ve, mom and dad also lef-ft me becaus-se of that...and now him" jungkook was finding it difficult to form sentences, jimin held his face in his palms.

"Who told you this nonsense jungkook you deserve all love in this world, you have me, hoseok hyung, jin hyung don't you dare say that ever again" jimin wiped tears from his face.

"Now tell me what happened, is it anything related to eunwoo" jimin took a wild guess, jungkook nodded his head.

"Hyung eunwoo doesn't love-e me i tried everything but he doesn't look-ks at me, why-y can't...he see my love" jungkook said badly sobbing, jimin didn't expected him to say that 'jungkook loves eunwoo, from when'.

"You love eunwoo" jimin asked him.

"From the first day I met him hyung till today, i tried to move on but I can't even after knowing he loves someone else and now that he is going to confess to her I can't take it anymore it hurts hyung why can't I be the one he loves".

Jungkook cried wetting jimin's shirt. Jimin could feel tears welling up in his own eyes he wasn't even aware jungkook was hurting this much that too because of his brother but he couldn't do anything in this situation neither he can give jungkook his love nor he can stop his brother from getting his love.

"Jungkook I wish I could help you i can't see you crying like this" tears dropping from his eyes.

"Hyung I don't want to be hurt, I can't cry over something which is not mine but my eyes are betraying me" jimin just hugged him tightly and let him cry as much as he wanted. Jungkook slept crying on his shoulder. He picked him up by his shoulder and supported him till his room. "It's not like I am small, you are the one who is heavy" he complained to the sleepy jungkook as if listening to his words a small smile appeared on his face. 'he really is a muscle bunny'.

Jimin made him lay on his bed and took out coat and belt loosening his pants so that he could sleep comfortably. He cleared his tear-stained face with a towel. Jimin thought of leaving but it was already 10:30 and it would take more than an hour for him to drive back so he decided to crash here only, it's not like he was staying for the first time. He walked to the closet taking out a set of pajamas and went inside the washroom.

He freshened up and decided to order food. The food arrived after an hour placing the food on the table, he came back to the bedroom to wake up the bunny.

"Jungkook have your dinner and then sleep" he tried shaking him up.

"Ok hyung" he said with drowsy eyes walking like a zombie. Both started eating their food in silence, they had many thoughts roaming in their heads but decided not to voice it out for now.

They both know things are a mess right now.

"Thanks hyung for coming over" jungkook really wanted someone to be beside him with whom he could share his thoughts and emotions.

"You always had people beside you Jungkook, especially me, so next time if you run away like that, then i would not be this caring, you will get a nice kick on your crying ass." The atmosphere was much lighter now at least jungkook was in a better mood than earlier.

Suddenly the silent atmosphere was interrupted by the ringing of jimin's phone. Jungkook picked up the phone before Jimin, he saw it was taehyung's call.

"Why is he calling you hyung??" Jimin tried snatching the phone from jungkook but he started running around the sofa, finally jimin caught him taking back his phone, he gave a kick to his knees resulting in Jungkook falling on the sofa. Jimin picked up the call immediately.

"Hello" jimin said huffing, jungkook got up and placed his ears next to the phone listening to the conversation, jimin tried to push him away but was stopped by the voice on the phone.

"Why are you huffing like you ran a marathon right now" jimin glared at the bunny who was disturbing him, before Jimin could answer back jungkook beat him at it.

"Do you think at night running a marathon is the only thing which makes people huff like that" jungkook said that with a smirk, jimin eyes widened at that statement he pushed the bunny back at the sofa.

'why my life is filled with such assholes'.

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