Chapter 3

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(Russia's POV)

"Where the heck is she?! What's taking her so long?!" I screamed, Lunnoye was supposed to come home for dinner yet she was an hour late. Me and America were getting nervous. Was she killed? Is she okay? Did she get kidnapped? those were the thoughts that clouded my mind.


"You know what, let's go and find her," I said, getting tired of waiting. I slipped on my jacket and took an umbrella, I left the house and quickly ran out to find her. At the entrance of the dark alleyway, I saw a single black feather. Upon closer inspection, I realised it was hers... I ran inside the dark place and I saw Un and Lunnoye with blood on the wall and their heads... 'Who did this to them...? Why did they do it?' I quickly took out my mobile phone and It started pouring. I was crying. I called the ambulance and minutes later, It arrived and they consoled me, saying they would take care of them. I decided to call Ame. I was choking on my tears. Ame asked me what happened and I said "S-She is s-shot in the head *sniff* Un too." As those words left my mouth, Ame had ended the call. After a few minutes, Ame arrived with a worried look on his face. He looked at me and hugged me, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings in my ears. "I am sure they would take care of her alright?" I nodded my head and we went home.



"where am I? It's so dark..." "Hello Lunnoye." I turned around, scared that it was him again but... it wasn't. It was a tri-coloured country that I couldn't recognise. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" "I am the Russian empire. Have you not read about me?" Russian Empire asked, being a bit sceptical. I shook my head and he frowned. "But I should send you back soon..." "What why?" I asked before memories shot into my mind. I grunted in pain. He snapped his fingers and...I was still there? But I could hear machines beeping but it was still dark.

I felt a hand on mine... I squeezed it and the person sprung up. "Dear? Are you alright? Do you want me to call the nurse?" I quickly realised that the voice was UN. "Uni...why is everything black?"

"..." Silence. "Uni...? Are you okay?" "You lost your eyesight but it's not permanent, that's what they said." It took me a while to process it before I started crying, "so I can't see your face anymore...?" I said sadly, "You will soon, trust me." he sighed, "Everyone was so worried about you, especially your parents, they came here every day after I woke up."


Lunnoye: How long have I been in a coma?

UN: About a few months

Lunnoye: I'm sorry for dragging you into this...

Un: *places his hands on her cheeks* It's alright, At least I know you're fine now"

Lunnoye: Thank you...

UN: Do you want me to call them?

I nodded and sat up and I heard "Hello, UN?"

UN: Someone wants to meet you

Lunnoye: Hello father...

"Lunnoye? Are you okay?"


They ended the call and Un told me they probably wanted to meet me. But then, a headache struck me. I groaned in pain and UN squeezed my hand "It's okay." Suddenly, the door opens and footsteps are heard.

America: Lunnoye? How are you feeling now?

Lunnoye: I am still trying to adjust since I can't see anything.

Russia: I think it is impermanent right?

UN: Yes, the doctor said the same thing but they don't know how long until she gets her eyesight back.

(Lounnoye's POV)

I lowered my head down,guilty, making them worry
'Now that I can't see, I feel kinda helpless and I am not useful' But then, it felt like all my senses were more sensitive. I heard footsteps I wasn't familiar with, a nurse came in and checked me if I could be discharged. The nurse told everyone that I could be discharged very soon. But would need to be on a lot of medicine.

We all just chilled as I was spacing out a lot. After a while, My parents needed to go home and do some things. Then the nurse came in and told me that I could leave today but how do I know what's around me? I wondered out loud. The nurse told me that I could handle it and I rolled my eyes (she still has eyes but can't see :D) 'So helpful.' I grumbled.

As I got up from the bed, a gentle grip was on my wrist as UN guided me to the receptionist's desk and discharged me. They gave us a heck ton of medicine as the rustling of packaging was frequent. The nurse told UN about all the names of the medicines and what it's used for. After an eternity of talking, we can finally leave this place. As I felt the warm air hit my face, I couldn't help but smile. I made it out alive.

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