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The Scorch

The Enigma

Trials where the subjects; both humans and supernatural creatures, are subjected to tests where they experience different situations that involve various variables which were designed to stimulate a Killzone in order to differentiate the ones they need to continue with their experiments.

3 Trials where not all the subjects survive but even if they do, their lives will only be destined to more suffering.


That's the lie that they always say. It's what they keep repeating over and over again to the people who work for them.

But no. WCKD is not good and that thought led one person to do something that would change everything.


𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐒 knew he had to put an end to WCKD from the moment when his friends' freedom was taken away from them as they were thrown into the maze and when he saw all the horrors and cruelty of the first trial where the subjects had to live without their memories, always wondering who they really are. Where they had to survive with what little they have. A trial where they constantly had to face dangerous situations, where they suffered and where little by little they were losing themselves.

One action can change everything, the consequences can be good or bad, there is always that uncertainty as to how everything might turn out, but even so Thomas took the risk and made the decision.

A decision to help that resulted in him ending up with the same fate as his friends. No memory, no recollection of his life, no freedom.

Thomas had been thrown into the maze trials as a punishment for his actions and a way to prevent him from causing more problems. The leaders of the organization thought that it was a smart decision, but how wrong they were, as even without all his memories, Thomas knew that what was happening was wrong. He knew that he and the others were not supposed to be there, that they had to escape and most important, they had to destroy those who had caused them so much pain and suffering, no matter what.


𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 the supernatural creatures, the avengers, the demigods and the Olympians watch the hard life of the survivors of the last maze trials and what the future holds for them if they do not put a stop to WCKD.


'the lost Jackson'
── 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐒 ──
↳ portrayed by Dylan O'Brien

 'the lost Jackson'── 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐒 ──↳ portrayed by Dylan O'Brien

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