Day Thirteen

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If you ever cared about me.

Sophie scoffed for what may have been the hundredth time, staring at herself in the mirror.

Vertina had taunted, bribed, and even begged Sophie to wear a gown to dinner, but Sophie had refused.

Now, she was wearing a short, hot red dress that cut very low on the front and back. She had never worn anything like this, ever, in her life, but there was no way she was 'fitting in.' What had Keefe meant? Had he really expected her to be obedient?

But now that she had worn this dress, she was starting to have second thoughts on it.

Today was the day of the first Elimination.

Her hair was curled and hanging loosely by her sides, and her black high heels seemed to be giving a "DEFINITELY NOT AN OUTFIT TO WEAR IN THE PALACE" vibe.


She didn't care, anyway. Keefe had to kick her out -- why not give him another reason to? Besides, this would probably be the last day she would see him. Why not try to make a statement?

Sophie applied eyeshadow and eyeliner, and feeling nauseous and nerves from wearing this monstrosity, stepped out of the sanctuary of her room.

She was on her own for this.

She was too caught up in her head that she didn't notice that she didn't know where she was headed, until it was too late.

She was lost, once again.

A guard who had just come inside took one look at her and gulped.

"I'm... Lost." She whispered, now regretting her choice of clothes. She felt too brazen -- too foolish. Maybe she was. But did she care?

"Alright, Miss. Um, follow me." He averted his eyes from her cleavage, and led her to the opposite way of where she was heading.

"Thanks, er... what's your name?"

"My friends call me Sandor." He mumbled.

"Okay, then. Nice to meet you, Sandor."

He didn't reply, but just kept walking faster.

Trying to catch up, her ankle twisted and she fell to the ground in a heap. The sound that Sandor let out sounded oddly like a grizzly.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" He asked.

"Yes, yes, fine." Sophie replied, biting her lips to stop the groan from coming out -- the pain of her ankle was insufferable.

Sandor sighed. "You are quite... unlike any of the other women I've seen."

"Thanks?" Sophie sat up, testing her ankle to see if she could walk. However, when she tried to stand up, her ankle gave way and she fell again.


Sandor rolled his eyes, and offering his hand, pulled her up and wrapped her arms around his back, as he did the same to her.

Together, they walked -- limped -- to the Grand Hall, and Sophie felt her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach when she realized that dinner had already started.

The door was wide open, and once again, the only seat available was the one furthest from Keefe.

As if sitting close to him would prevent him from eliminating the girls.

Sophie tried to break free from Sandor's arms, but when she did, she tripped, so Sandor had to grab her again.

"Late, again." the supervisor said, a smirk on her lips.

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