9. Ben are you fr ?

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You went to sleep and peacefully slept until the next morning.

The next morning, you were feeling better so you got out of bed and went to knock on Ben's door.

(Y/N) : "Ben ?"

You asked softly and sweetly.

Ben opened the door, peeking his head out.

Ben : "What do you want- oh... hey (Y/N)... is there anything you need ?"

(Y/N) : "We need to talk..."

Ben opened the door wide and let you in. His entire room was a mess with stuff everywhere.

Ben sat down on his bed and patted the place next to him.

Ben : "What did you want to talk about ?"

You sat down on the bed next to him.

(Y/N) : "You have a crush on me, don't you ?"

Ben : "W-What ?! Did Jeff tell you that ?! It's not true !"

(Y/N) : "Don't worry Ben... I don't hate you for it... The thing is... I don't really like you back... I like someone else..."

Ben : "Oh... Who I may ask ?"

(Y/N) : "I'm only telling you cause you're my bestfriend... It's Clockwork..."

Ben suddenly seemed extremely angry and jealous.

Ben : "Of course, it's her."

(Y/N) : "What ?"

Ben : "For the last days, you've only had eyes for her !"

(Y/N) : "Well, yeah, cause I have a crush on her."

Ben sighed angrily and started pouting.

You sighed too.

(Y/N) : "Im sorry Ben..."

Ben : "It's fine..."

He looked about to cry.

Ben : "Can you leave ? I need some alone time..."

(Y/N) : "Sure... See you later..."

You said while leaving his room.

You went back to your own room and laid in your bed and you eventually fell asleep.

Timeskip to a couple days later

You regretted telling Ben about your crush. He wouldn't stop acting like a jealous asshole towards Clockwork.

Eventually, Clockwork got tired and went to talk to Ben.

Clockwork : "Ben... we need to talk..."

Ben : "I don't wanna talk to you."

Clockwork : "Ben... please... Do you hate me ?"

Ben : "Wow, you just realized..."

He said sarcastically.

Clockwork : "Ben... why...?"

Ben : "Because you're (Y/N)'s crush !! That's why !"

Ben immediately put his hand over his mouth.

Ben : "You didn't hear that from me."

He said quickly.

Clockwork was shocked.

Clockwork : "Wait... what...?"

Ben : "Nothing, I told you."

Ben ran upstairs to his room and locked the door.

Leaving Clockwork alone with her thoughts, Ben started playing videogames in his room.

Clockwork eventually went back to her room and locked her door as well.

She wanted to be left alone for a moment.

She had never thought of the possibility of (Y/N) liking her... She didn't know how to react...

She just stayed in her room all day until, at 9 PM, she heard someone knocking on her door.

Clockwork X male reader :DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora