8. Stayed in bed

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You laid down on your bed and Clockwork sat down on a chair next to your bed.

She applied a wet piece of paper to your head and gave you pills against your headache.

After a while, she asked.

Clockwork : "Are you feeling any better ?"

(Y/N) : "I would love to say yes... but no..."

Clockwork : "It's fine..."

You both stayed there awkwardly for a while before someone entered the room quickly.

Ben : "Hey (Y/N) ! Do you want to play-... (Y/N) ?!!?!"

He ran to your side and looked at you.

Ben : "God, you look sick..."

(Y/N) : "Thank you Ben... I don't know what I would do without your observations..."

Ben : "Yeah yeah... you're welcome..."

He mumbled, clearly not getting the sarcasm.

Ben : "So you can't play videogames with me ?"

(Y/N) : "What does it look like dumbass ?"

Ben was about to answer something when Clockwork interrupted.

Clockwork : "Okay okay... we get it... you're excited to see each other... But please stop flirting with each other..."

(Y/N) and Ben : "WERE NOT FLIRTING !!"

Clockwork : "Yeah sure as hell you're not... You know, I'll still like you guys, even if you're gay..."

(Y/N) : "No, ew... Imagine me with Ben ?"

You faked puked, mimicking a person throw up.

(Y/N) : "That's disgusting, right Ben ?"

You turned to Ben and saw that he looked slightly heartbroken.

Ben : "Y-Yeah..."

You couldn't help but notice how sad he looked like. Maybe you had taken it a little too far.

Ben stood up and announced.

Ben : "I'm going back to my room... See you guys..."

You were about to protest when Clockwork but her hand above your mouth.

Clockwork : "Okay Ben... See you later..."

As soon as Ben was out, she smacked the back of your head.

(Y/N) : "Ow... what was that for ?!"

Clockwork : "For breaking Ben's heart. How did you not notice he has a crush on you !?"

(Y/N) : "He does ?"

Clockwork : "Yes !! How are you so dumb to not realize ?!"

(Y/N) : "Sorry... but he's not the one I love... I love..."

Silence followed, you had realized what you had just said.

Clockwork : "You love ?"

(Y/N) : "Nobody. Forget about it."

You could feel your cheeks heat up.

The rest of the day passed by with nothing else happening.

Ben stayed in his room and you and Clockwork stayed in yours, her taking care of you.

Soon enough, it was the night and Clockwork went back to her room, leaving you all alone.

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