An Encounter

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I was called upon. Just as we were leaving the capital ,my name was announced. I almost wished for it. Not to leave. I didn't want to.

Yet again I was remember entering the city, leaving the villagers behind. Few guards dressed in black surrounded me as we walked. Soon we reached the Mahal. We took a different path this time though. Too many doors. Too many corridors.

Soon we reached a stairway. The stairs went on and reached the most beautiful house I could have possibly seen. Carved with the most efficiency . A glorious creature stood on its shikhara. My daze was broken as my name was spoken and soon a few servants took me up the path.

We passed through various gates again and reached a living space. There were cushioned chairs and silk. Gold embedded in walls. Various medals and frames on a wall whilst other was covered with art.

That's when it struck. Why was I called?
What could I have possibly done? I have no reason to be here. Thought swirled and fought in my brain.

"No introduction are needed Kaka. " Said someone entering behind me ,"but-" , "You may leave us now. "

That's when the person entered. The atmosphere changed. It heated up. There was light. Right behind me. As if the sun glowed.


I turned around. That's when I saw him for the first time. He smiled.

He smiled so bright that the sun died a thousand times over. His cheeks adorned with constellations of stars. But his eyes.
Misty gray. It felt like seeing colours for the first time. There was an aura. Around his presence. He was not ordinary. Surely he cannot be. How could a mere human be so miraculous.

" Please have a seat. " His voice was alluring. I followed it. As if my soul knew
it would die if it does not agree. He was a boy my age. Yet so different. So different that I CD Acannot find the words to describe him.

"Thank you for helping me the other day. Truly. I am indebted to you. Is there anything you want?Anything at all, I would like to return the favour ."

"Hello? " His hand waved in front of me. "Are you alright?"

My head convulsed. What did he say ? "Ahem, what are-"he said.

"If I may, how have I ever helped you? " I interrupted.

"Oh yes, well ... It's a very long story. Just accept the favour. It's a huge opportunity for you. Think and answer. "

That's when it arrived. Selfishness and desire. I have no memory of saving this person yet I want the favour. The colours and days spent painting on the riverside came back to me. All my principles failed . He had me confused with someone else. I have never met him before. But this is my only escape. I have to grasp it. You don't understand, I have to. Please.

"I would like to get an scholarship for the art school here. I will attempt the entrance exam. If I pass, you have to pay the tuition and accomodation. Once I am done I shall never reach to you"

What was I saying? How did I find those words? This is disgraceful and humiliating. What have I done? No please stop. Refuse me.

"Easy enough. You cannot go back on your word" He said.

That's when it clashed . I cannot go back now . This was the most foolish thing I have ever done. How could I?

"You shall have to sign a paper of our contract. Then you're free. The entrance exam approaches soon for art students. I should know , I am an administration and law major there. Well it was nice meeting you, miss? "


"Aadya" He spoke differently.My name never felt so divine. Each syllable was pronounced. My name was not idiosyncratic yet he made it significant. Like I existed.

"I suppose the favour is returned, my people here shall show you to your ward, Farewell. "

"Who are you? "

"You don't need to know that. "

Soon enough I reached the ground again. That was when I realised that river was just across us. It flowed in all it's glory. Glimmering and glistening.

"Come quick." A servant spoke. "Let us get you cleaned up. I cannot believe they let you get in front of him in such a state. How horrible! "

I lowered my neck and followed her. I had no say. As I was settling in my new life, a word was sent back to the agricultural block. About me seeking an education in art, me being ungrateful and spoiled .

I thought about my uncle. How his face would have shone with anger. How he would have hurt me. How my aunt would not even be able to process this and dwell deeper in her madness.

I had no home. Not anymore. Was this how it was meant to be? . I do not know what I am supposed to do? Every thing I ever did was calculated, then why did I follow suit of recklessness?

My heart has led me into darkness. The only way to get out was to follow it even deeper in this madness. Pursue art.

At night I laid in the mattress, they had accomodated me in the children ward for servants till the entrance exam. If I pass, I shall be transferred. That is all they told.

An ulterior self spoke today. It was me. Just the body. The confidence while asking with greed. The selfishness while abandoning my old life. The determination to follow my dream. It was not me, just a fragment of deepest parts of myself I had buried. Deep within. But this was not the time to think about this.

Who was he? When had I helped him? How had he agreed so easily? Will this lead to consequences in near future?

I remember thinking about this. My head hurt from processing the day while, the body ached from the day's proceedings

I dwelled in dreams. Till the next sun.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed. Please leave suggestions.

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