Chapter 2: Girl fight

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Due to Y/n having to switch schools in the middle of the year, she was enrolled in an existing class. It wasn't easy to fit in, especially in Y/n's case because everyone already had their circle set.

Plus, it's not like she'll stay for long to develop a close friendship. She was sure her father would be moved to another location to lead the company's team. 

She'd rather save her energy and stay by herself until the day she's sure her father won't get promoted anymore, I mean, what's the next position to COO? CEO, of course, there's no other higher position. 

Unless her father magically gets handed the company ownership. She chuckled at the thought, though she hated her father's job for taking his time away from her, she was proud of her father for working from the ground up. 

They came from dirt poor to the point that she had to drink rice water as a substitute for milk. And the fact that her mother was always sick. Her father took every job he could just so he could bring the next meal to their table. 

In the span of 11 years, her father was able to build a fortune for them, unfortunately, her mother didn't witness it. 

It was weird to go from having nothing to suddenly having everything, even at her young age back then, she was well aware of their situation, she even proposed not having to go to school so the money would just be used for something else. 

Not that she didn't like going to school, she just saw it as a secondary thing, but of course, her father didn't want her to be left behind by other kids, so when she entered school, she made sure to show her father that his efforts were not in vain. 

She wasn't the top student but she was one of the smartest. But she always says she isn't smart, she just says it's all in the effort, which is true. 

"Excited for your new school?" Her father asked her as he drove the car. 

Y/n smiled as she turned to face him. "Something like that," She replied, in all honesty, she was happy because he drove her to school, usually it was just his secretary. 

They arrived at the school in a few moments, she got out of the car and looked up at the school, it was an impressive-looking structure. 

And as she was looking around and watched some students walking in, her father stood beside her. "Shall we go in?" He said which surprised her. 

She furrowed her brows. "Aren't you running late?" The worry in her tone matched the anxiousness her hand displayed as she touched the pendant on her necklace.

Her father wore a silly smile. "I cleared all my schedule today, so I'll be fetching you later as well," He then offered his hand. "Let's go?"

She held his hand and they swung it back and forth as they walked toward the building. Unknowing that a certain black-haired male watched them from a few floors up. 

"A new student," He mumbled to himself. 

The father and daughter now sat by the admin's office to take care of the remaining procedures before she could enter a class. 

It was the middle of homeroom when Y/n was able to join a class, the school's secretary called the homeroom teacher and introduced her separately. 

"Ah, I heard we were getting a new student," The teacher smiled at her. "Welcome to our school," They said before turning to her father. "It's nice to meet you L/n-san," The teacher continued. "Well, then, shall I introduce you to the class?"  

The teacher stood in front and called everyone's attention and hushed their whispers. "We have a new addition to the class," They turned to her. 

She glanced at her father by the corner of the door, he gave her a toothy smile and both his hands doing a thumbs up. 

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