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Day 8

"You said something about Pat's birthday. Did you just pick a day?"

"I actually decided to surprise him with a change. I had the whole thing planned out really carefully, but in the end, it still turned into one of our frequent public embarrassment situations. I told him the day before to dress nicely and that I'd pick him up after work so we could go and have dinner at the Chinese restaurant. He kept on asking what was going on, and I just told him to wait and enjoy the evening because we were celebrating. He'd mentioned to me once that he wanted to have sex in a pool, but that was before we moved to the new house, so we didn't have one yet. I knew that a guy who lived just down the street from us was away on holiday with his family for two weeks. They had a really nice pool, and the walls around their yard were quite high, so the neighbours wouldn't be able to see us. We could go in there, and we'd be fine if we just kept it down. Well, after we finished our dinner, I drove back home and told Pat to walk with me. We got to the house and climbed the fence. Once we got to the pool, I stripped naked and wished Pat a happy birthday. I told him that for his birthday gift, he got to fuck my brains out in someone else's pool. It would've been fine, except for the fact that the old lady who lived next door had insomnia. She apparently heard something strange and called the police. We were still in the pool when they showed up. We were taken down to the station and booked. We ended up spending the night in the cells, but the next morning, when my friend Khunnote came on shift, he let us out and told us he hoped we'd learned our lesson. Unfortunately, Savior Meds has a gossip chain that works faster than the speed of light, and by the time we left the police station, half the damn town already knew what had happened. People joked about it for bloody weeks after that."

"I bet Pat thought it was worth it." Ohm said when he'd stopped laughing.

"He said he knew for a fact that it was the best birthday he ever had, even though he couldn't remember any of the others."

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