Day 1

"Hey, if you look at that clock one more time, I am going to have you suspended!"

Nanon jerked upright in his swivel chair at the sound of the voice snapping at him. He grinned at the man leaning against the door and answered in a mock-serious tone.

"I apologise, doctor. It seems my mind was elsewhere."

Chimon Wachirawit rolled his eyes as he stood up straight and walked over to the counter, where a pot of coffee waited on the warmer. "Everyone in the whole damn hospital knows where your mind has been all day."

Nanon laughed and got up to join his friend at the counter. "I can't believe it's been a year already. I just wish Pi would've told me what he's got planned for the weekend. I hate surprises."

"Don't talk shit, man. You love surprises; you just hate waiting, and I'm guessing Pat knows that better than anyone. That's probably why he already told you two weeks ago not to plan anything for this weekend. He loves watching you squirm."

"You bet he does." Nanon answered, then added with a lascivious grin. "Especially when I'm naked on top of him."

"Hey! Straight committed guy here! There's way too much information there. Now I'll probably be stuck with that image in my head the whole damn day." Chimon pretended to shudder as he picked up his coffee and headed for the door. "I'm going to call my love and see if she's up for phone sex to heal my broken psyche." He called over his shoulder to make himself heard over Nanon's laugh.

Nanon settled back in his chair, his thoughts drifting towards his lover. It had been exactly a year ago today that they'd met in this same hospital. Savior Meds Hospital, situated in the small town it was named for, was mainly a paediatrics facility. Except for a small emergency ward and a few rooms for patients who needed somewhere to stay before being transferred to one of the city hospitals if their injuries were serious, the whole hospital was geared towards working with children in a wide variety of areas. Savior Meds was known around the world for their excellent facilities and the professionalism of their staff, and Nanon loved working there. He was on duty in an emergency one night a week, and he'd been the one to take Pat into the operating theatre when the paramedics had brought him in, having taken him to the closest hospital after cutting him out of his car. He'd gone around to the man's room the next afternoon when his shift started, just to check on him, and was still there a few minutes later when he first woke up. Less than a month later, Pi had moved in with him, and they'd been together ever since.

Nanon was still thinking about his life with Pat when he was paged.

He slowed down as soon as he recognised Captain Khunnote Jirapat standing next to Thana, aka Thanadol Vattawut, the hospital's chief of staff. Khunnote was still in his police uniform, so it was almost certain he was here on official business.

"You paged me?"

"Nanon." Khunnote stepped forward to place a hand on his forearm. "It's about Pat..."

Nanon felt as though his heart was trying to climb out of his chest. "Oh god .... oh god ..." He realised he was hyperventilating but was powerless to stop himself. It was all he could do to remain standing.

"Nanon! Nanon! Listen to me!"

He slowly became aware of Thana grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him.

"Pat's fine. He was in an accident, but he's going to be okay. He has a few broken bones, but nothing he won't recover from."

Nanon sagged against the counter, his body slumping in relief as the words penetrated his panic-fogged brain.

"I need to see him. Which room is he in?"

The two men in front of him exchanged glances before Thana spoke again.

"Before you go in, there's something I have to tell you. Pat has amnesia."

Nanon gave a short bark of laughter and looked at the man in disbelief. "You're kidding, right? That's just impossible." He shook his head as if to negate what Thana was saying.

"I'm sorry, Nanon. But Pat knocked his head against the front window of the car during the accident. He thinks it's the first of May." Thana's voice was full of sympathy as he spoke to the young man, whom he's known for the past six years. Nanon was like a son to him, and he hated having to be the one to tell him all this.

"But... but that's today. It's the first today."

"I know, but Pat seems to think it's the first of May last year. He remembers everything up to a year ago."

"Oh... god." Nanon sank down onto the floor, his legs finally giving in. A year. It was their whole life together.

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