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Y/n- ahh all done .
Taehyung- it was a huge mess .
Y/n- and who made it .
Taehyung- i am feeling sleepy so good night
Y/n- after making the mess he is showing like nothing happened.  I am so tired .
We both slept  after just laying on bed we went to sleep.
( for your all confirmation they both sleep together on one bed )
Next morning.
Author pov
Y/n wokes up because of her phone. Someone called her
Y/n- ahhh who is calling me at this time . It's only 5 am .
Y/n picks up the phone
Y/n- hello
Mrs. Kim- hello my y/n did i disturbed you .
Y/n- mom no .
Mrs. Kim-  y/n we were thinking to come meet you both .
Y/n- mom you don't have to ask me this come whenever you want .
Mrs. Kim- ohk y/n we are coming we will be there . We have a surprise for you .
Y/n- okh mom bye
Mrs. Kim- bye .
Y/n- umm okh let's get started then .
Y/n went and showed got ready and started to help the maids .
Y/n dress

Taehyung outfit

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Taehyung outfit

Y/n- taehyung wake up ( shouts) Taehyung- y/nnnnn why are you shouting in the morning- whooo what are you wearing ? Y/n- why isn't it looking good

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Y/n- taehyung wake up ( shouts)
Taehyung- y/nnnnn why are you shouting in the morning- whooo what are you wearing ?
Y/n- why isn't it looking good .
Taehyung- no it's not looking good.  It's gorgeous.  You are looking beautiful in it .
Y/n- thanks  . Mom will love it .
Taehyung- yeah
??- today i will make sure you both gets away from each other.  Then taehyung will be mine .
Someone was looking at them secretly. After a while y/n was coming to the kitchen . When  mia ( the maid) come and  spilled the soup on her dress.
Taehyung was there he panicked and was coming to y/n but stopped by seeing the behaviour of mia .
Y/n- what you have done . You destroyed my dress .
Mia- opps sorry maybe not sorry.  It's your fault.  Didn't i warned you stay away from taehyung. 
Y/n- ohh really do you think he will accept you .
Mia- he will why would he will be with you .
Y/n- okh  if he says yes then i will leave you okh .
Mia- okh get ready to go out of this house
Then mia went to kitchen as taehyung was out for some work or they thinked that .
Y/n went inside her room
Taehyung- hey why didn't you told me about her before. 
Y/n- about whom .
Taehyung- about mia . I listened everything today .
Y/n- because i wanted proof  of her intentions.  Today we will get so if she complains about anything we will have a proof  . I think she is coming i will hide behind the curtains go act normal.
y/n hides  behind the curtain and a knock was heard .
Taehyung- come in ( cold)
Mia- sir here is your coffee. 
Taehyung- put it here ( cold)
Mia- sir
Taehyung- what do you want now( cold)
Mia- sir i had a question.  I love you so much . That's why i become a maid in your house so i can see you . But when you married y/n.  It broke my heart she isn't good for you.  I have did so much to proof it .
Taehyung- really.  What you did for me .
Mia- yeah i have warned her so many times.  I even tried to make you hate her . I sent you the photo of her with her friend hugging. 
Taehyung was very angry.  He was holding back his anger .
Mia- today i tried to burn her and i was successful.  That's how much i love you .
Y/n- oh my god you love him so much . But does he love you .
Mia- what are you doing here .
You little bi-
Before she could say anything y/n punched her face and she was on the ground.
Mia- how dare you
Mia tried to stand but taehyung pushed her again.
Taehyung- i shouldn't have keeped you as a maid get lost .
Y/n- boys !!
Man1- yes mam
Y/n- take her with you and do whatever you want . She loves when someone touches her .
Mia- no  i will  complain about you .
Y/n- take this . It's the proof of what she said .
They  left from there .
Taehyung- are you ok y/n  did you get burned.
Y/n- no it wasn't that much hot but my dress .
Taehyung- you can wear anything else .
Y/n- will mom like it
taehyung-   yeah go
Then y/n went and changed
Her dress

Y/n- will mom like ittaehyung-   yeah go Then y/n went and changed Her dress

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Y/n- how is this dress .
Taehyung- it's beautiful. 
Y/n- really but what if mom don't like it because it's short .
Taehyung- no mom will love it . See we are matching.
Y/n- oh yes
They heared a door bell . Y/n went and saw mrs. Kim and mr.  Kim
Mrs. Kim- y/n  how are you
Y/n- i am fine and how are you both
Mr. Kim- we are good too
Y/n- come inside.
Mrs. Kim- yeah oh meet our second son kim woo jin .
Woojin- hi i am kim woo jin .
Y/n- hello . Mom i didn't knewed about him why wasn't he in our wedding.
Mrs. Kim- ahh he was out of country y/n  . That's why . He is a business man .
Y/n - aw really. Come inside
They went inside and sat on the couch y/n brings water for them
Y/n- here take this please  .
Mr. Kim- thanks y/n.  How is your work going .
Y/n- good dad . And how about you
Mr. Kim- we just got a really big deal .
Y/n- oh congratulations dad .
Mrs. Kim-  y/n do you know woojin is a very successful man he have meeted many presidents of different countries. He is very rich .
Y/n- ohh really.  Can i see him in his child hood i have seen taehyung but not him
Mrs. Kim- umm y/n  actually. 
Woojin- mom it's ok
Y/n- what did i said something wrong.
Mr. Kim- actually y/n he isn't our real kid he is adopted.
Y/n- oh sorry .
Woojin- oh no it's ok they love me like there real kid .
Taehyung- mom dad you are here
Y/n- taehyung why you never toldme that you have a brother.
Taehyung- a brother?

To be continued
Hi butterflies how are you all
One of you asked me to write it's next part so i uploaded this part early .. love you all updates can be late due to work . Bye love you all

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