The Transformation

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In front of me was a conveyor belt, and robot hands hanging from the ceiling.

"Mmph!" I tried to speak, but the pacifier gag kept me from talking.

The nurse lady took me out of the stroller, taking me to a nearby changing table.

"You've been such a bad baby, tsk." She scoffs. "I would leave you in that soiled diaper as your punishment, but what's about to happen, you need a clean one."

She unlocks the diaper, throws it away, and begins wiping my bum down.

Once she sprinkled the baby powder on, she grabbed a very thick-looking diaper, slid it under me, and secured it.

I squirmed around, my voice still muffled.

"Shh baby, everything will be alright after this."

The nurse picked me up, laid me on the conveyor belt, and strapped me down.

I struggled to move.

"Just relax." She runs her hands through my hair. "The baby modification machine will turn you both physically and mentally into a baby."

I started to scream, but the pacifier gag was still locked in my mouth.

The nurse pressed a button, and the conveyor started moving.

I watched in horror as the conveyor moved with me on it, the robot hands coming to life.

"Baby Modification in progress, the process cannot be stopped until it is finished."

"Step 1: Removal of Body hair."

The robot hands took a razor, shaving off my head hair, armpit hair, leg hair, and private area hair.

"Step 2: Adjusting of features."

The robot hands held all types of tools, adjusting my body.

The conveyor then moved to a molding part.

I closed my eyes, shutting them tight as two metal slabs smashed against me.

When I opened them, my legs, head, arms, and my whole body was the size of a newborn baby.

"Step 3: Modification of the voice."

The robot hands did something to my throat, taking out the pacifier gag.

I tried to speak, but it sounded like a baby's voice.

"Step 4: Final stage of babification: Reconstruction of personality."

The robot hands brought a syringe filled with a liquid, injecting it into my brain.

I then felt my brain become numb, then all I could think about was pooping and peeing in my diaper, playing with toys, watching baby shows, and sleeping in a crib.

The conveyor came to a stop, the nurse leaning over me.

"Aw, look at the little baby."

She picks me up, making me babble and coo.

"Now you're the perfect little diaper baby."

She sat down, took off her shirt, and unclipped her bra.

She pressed my newly formed baby head against her breast, making me sucking on it as I latched on eagerly.

I sucked happily and eagerly, delicious milk going down my stomach.

Now forever I will always be a little pooping baby.

You have failed, enjoy your life as a wittle baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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