3: Things we see and hear.

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"Name's Ryuuen Kakeru, I rule this group of incels. What do you want here?"

He...rules them?

I looked around his class trying to gauge the reactions they had to being addressed as so, and to my complete bafflement they didn't bat an eye.

"He completely has them in his grasp.." Ayanokouji aired his thoughts, seeing the exact thing I did.

The man responsible for this class' depressing aura only smirked in satisfaction.

It was a rather disgusting situation but it's none of my business so I'll get what I came for and leave the tyrant to his tyranny.

"I came here to check some things, as the so-called leader you should be able to answer my questions."

"Questions eh, and why should I answer those?"

Hm. I had already expected him to be difficult.

"Are your teachers strict about class conduct?"

"You went on and asked anyway huh, bold one. Still have no interest in answering you though. So scram."

Still uncooperative, I'll ask the others then.

Ignoring the already scowling Ryuuen, I attempted to walk into the class to question the other members of class C.

"What are you doing?" My voice remained level as I questioned Ryuuen, who was now holding my collar.

"I said no, and by extension that means no one in this class is answering you. Get out."

"How ridiculous, you don't own them." I tried to free myself from his grip.

"I sure as hell do, unless you lot think otherwise?" He looked at the terrified class for confirmation that I was sure they would give him.

"See? No arguments from them."

I couldn't argue with him when the people in concern have already given up. Ready to give up on them, I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

"Let her go." A warning came from an unexpected source.

The original reason I asked for Ayanokouji's help while still doing the questioning on my own was simple.

Despite my personal feelings, it was a fact that he had thought in a direction that I didn't. When piecing information together, his thinking could prove to be of some use to me.

So him acting as a bodyguard came as quite a shock, I never took him as someone with that kind of confidence in the first place.

"Huh?" Ryuuen made a sound as if warning the still unfazed boy, now grabbing onto Ryuuen's wrist firmly.

"Just let go and we'll leave your class." Ayanokouji reiterated with the same bland tone I was now convinced he was stuck in.

"Who does this punk think he is? Ishizaki!"

The green haired boy, now freed from Ryuuen's weight on his back, came forward and tried to push Ayanokouji away from Ryuuen.

Ayanokouji simply side-stepped a bit and kicked the boy called Ishizaki in the shin, bringing him to his knees. All this while not letting go of Ryuuen.

It was such a simple motion but I felt some technique was involved.


The boy let out a pained shout.

"It can't see me now so that should be fine..." He muttered under his breath again.

"Tsk. Useless." Ryuuen looked at the groveling boy in disgust.

Classroom of the elite: Autonomy.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz