Chapter I

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From the ramparts of the fortress, Elyas Roverik watched the fires burning in the enemy's camp

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From the ramparts of the fortress, Elyas Roverik watched the fires burning in the enemy's camp. There were too many of them.

Six hundred men against his three hundred were not good odds. The Kolrik were patient enough for a siege. The last two months proved that. They had waited and waited, knowing that Elyas did not have enough supplies for eternity. Soon enough, he would be forced to attack. His men had not eaten anything that day, and they would be weakened sooner than later. He had to act quickly.

Attacking the camp would do him no good. He had to draw the Kolriks from their camp and make a stand somewhere on high ground, where his army would have a chance. It would not be easy, but a plan was already forming in Elyas' head. He had to draw Devon Kolrik from his camp, and the man was known for being too proud.

Turning his back from the army, Elyas looked at his own men. He cursed himself for choosing a side so quickly. He should have left his fortress before an army would have had a chance or a reason to surround them. If only he had caught that spy faster.

They could leave by the main entrance, and that only because of the fog. In Stonewick, fog was normal at that time of the year. He could use it in his favour.

" What shall we do, Lord?" One of his warriors asked as he saw Elyas coming down.

" We won't starve. We attack as soon as the fog clears, but we leave in a couple of hours. Rest, no army shall try to attack us inside Brumstone."

The fortress was impossible to conquer. Situated on a cliff, Brumstone had two entrances, the main one and the one near the beach. It would be impossible to attack from the sea as they would notice any army coming from there. A small group could do it, but the gate was closed and guarded by two men who would sound the alarm as soon as they saw an enemy's ship approaching.

He gathered his most trusted men and told them his plan. They would only have a chance to do it. If they failed, they would lose.

In the last three years, the King had lost his mind. Two Noble Houses had been annihilated, accused of treason, although there was no evidence. The elders, women, and children whose lives had been taken were innocent of the crimes the King had imagined. Most of the nobles saw that as a good enough reason to raise against the King. Only two Houses still stood with him. The Royal House of Varrion and the Kolriks. Plus, five thousand men from Felloria, as the Emperor had to send men to his brother-in-law. Still, seven Houses had risen against the King.

Hours later, after he managed to rest for a while, Elyas led his men outside the fortress and on high ground. He had made sure they closed the gates as he had no wish to lose his fortress. A messenger had been sent to trick Devon to attack.

The first men came quickly. A hundred, more or less, if Elyas was correct. Devon would not waste his men. He was going to make the battle as easy as he could for himself. It was not surprising.

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