☆ Prologue

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It's been a few years after Chuuya and Dazai established their relationship, and had only been a few weeks after they hooked up with one another when Chuuya went through his first heat.

And so, Chuuya was confused about the note in his hands, his eyes watering as he felt like he was trembling. He doesn't understand. Why would Dazai just break up with him out of the blue? It made no sense whatsoever. Then again, it was Dazai. It was no surprise that the man would do something like this.

Chuuya re-reads the letter. He was starting to feel sick in his stomach, quite literally. He slams the letter back to where he had found it and ran to the bathroom, hurling over the toilet as he threw up. He felt like he was puking his insides out. He held his hair on the back of his head, his elbows resting on the toilet seat. He stayed in this position as he spits out the last bit of vomit that stayed in his mouth, standing up slowly and walking up to the nearby sink to wash his face. He looks up to the mirror and sees his face all scrunched up and tired. He felt pathetic, really.. Wait. Why was he throwing up? He wasn't sick at all, and he didn't do anything that would make him do so..

.. Or maybe that it's because of when Dazai helped him out when he was in heat, it was a possibility that he could've gotten pregnant because of that. He wasn't sure though, maybe he should visit his boss tomorrow. Mori was a doctor afterall, and Chuuya being pregnant was more important than Dazai leaving. If he really was having a kid, then he should take a couple of months or even years to take a break from work to take care of his child.

Chuuya walks out of the bathroom and onto the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of water and drank it all as he still tasted the vomit inside of his mouth. He pulls out his phone and went to his contacts, he suddenly froze as he realized he was texting Dazai automatically. Chuuya scoffs at himself and blocked the number, texting to his boss about wanting to meet him tomorrow around noon; in which the doctor happily accepted with no questions whatsoever.

And so, the very next day, Chuuya made his way to Mori's office. He finds the office empty, and wonders if he was too early. He turns his head to the side as he hears a voice call out his name, there was an open door with a sign that says "Clinic". Mori was sitting inside with Elise who was preparing everything up. Chuuya wonders of where the room came from, as he never saw it before.

Chuuya walks inside and looks around the place, it looked like any normal hospital room. Mori gestures Chuuya to lay down on a bed, which he does so. Chuuya tries to not blind himself as he looks up to the ceiling that has a bright light shining the room up.

" So, Chuuya-kun, what made you want my help all of the sudden? You don't have any wounds from what I can see" Mori asked, smiling rather unreasonably sweetly. He grabs some gloves and slides them onto his hands. He looks like as if Dazai didn't just left the Port Mafia, and acted like everything was completely normal.

Chuuya fidgeted a little, his eyes gazing to the wall. "I uh, think I might be pregnant.." He explained, he felt embarrassed as his face turns red a bit.

Elise rouse her eyebrows a bit, while Mori just looked a bit flabbergasted. He chuckles a little and began to start his work.

"I see. If it is true that you are truly pregnant, then I'll let you have a few years break to take care of you child." Mori span around in his chair a little as he grabs the necessities he would need. Chuuya felt grateful that Mori was nice enough that he gave Chuuya the permission to take a break.

After what felt like an eternity for Chuuya, they were finally done. And like what the ginger expected, he was pregnant. Mori had told him that he would visit Chuuya from time to time to check up on him. In the meantime, there should be someone to take care of Chuuya since he'll have some hard time doing certain tasks. Mori asked him who Chuuya wanted to take care of him, which Chuuya immediately answered with "Kouyou". Mori chuckled at the ginger who answered quite quickly, and told Elise to call Kouyou about the news of Chuuya having a child.

Kouyou practically burst through the door, her attire a bit messed up. She ran up to Chuuya who was sat on the hospital bed and held him by the shoulders. "Chuuya! You're pregnant!? I genuinely don't know what to say..!" Kouyou exclaimed, ignoring Mori who was waving at her. "Are you alright? Do you perhaps need anything?" Kouyou asked, shaking Chuuya a little.

Mori held Kouyou's arm to stop her from shaking Chuuya, and made her pay attention to him. "You see, Kouyou-kun, Chuuya-kun here wants you to be the one to take care of him while he goes through his pregnancy." He smiled once more

Kouyou's eyes widen a bit, her head slowly facing Chuuya once more. She pulls her hands away from the Ginger's shoulders to cover her mouth with one hand, her eyes sparkling as she start to tear up a bit; mumbling the boy's name while imaginary sparkles and flowers formed around her. She was flattered.

"Don't get yourself all flattered! You're simply just the only person that has come to mind to take care of me properly." Chuuya argued, crossing his arms as he looked away; scoffing.

And so, Kouyou brought Chuuya back to his apartment and took care of him since. The Akutagawa Siblings was told about the news by Chuuya himself and occasionally visited, often bringing some gift for the ginger and his upcoming child. Kouyou asked him if he would tell Dazai about this in which Chuuya replied with something along the lines of 'Dazai being unimportant' for this, in which Kouyou full-heartedly agreed to. Chuuya hopes that his kid would never ask about who his father is..

As that man will forever be dead to him.

You're Dead To Me || SKK Omegaverse AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon