New in town

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The Big Apple

"Do you really have to go?" A female voice asks you.

"Yep, you know as well as I do that I need to do something on my own, can't rely on the job dad gave me, it's for me to grow mom" She caresses your cheek.

"Can't believe my boy is already so grown up now, to the point you're even leaving home, but Why Canada?" She asks you.

"You know how I'm like, sort of a tech guy right?" she nods

"Yeah well, You know Gideon Graves?" Her eyes widen in shock at the mention of that name, well who wouldn't know Gideon Graves, He's the on the rise figure, becoming a CEO at a relatively young age.

"Yep, He offered me a job to help him in his movie studio after me and dad went to fix something in his lair, let me tell you ma, that lair was sick, huge as H***" You got censored from the excitement,

'weird' you thought.

"See, I told you working with your dad will just be a stepping stone for you" She huffs triumphantly.

"Never doubted you for a second mom" You snickered, glancing at the clock, you realize it's almost time to go.

"Mom, I have to go now, or I'll be late for the plane" She glances at the clock and realizes the same thing you did, she frustratingly opens her phone.

"Where is that man?! His son is about to live outside the country and He's not even here, how can He call himself a dad?" She huffs angrily and places her hands on her hips, she looks like she's ready to suplex your dad and knowing her, she probably will.

a ding is heard on your phone, and you see the notification says your ride is here.

"Don't be too harsh on him mom, you know how He is, He has a hard time showing his feelings is all, it's what will happen since we rarely had any interaction when I was a kid" She sighs quite sad.

"I know, anyway, Sandy and Yoda are with you right?" I nod at her question.

"Their downstairs, don't worry I'll take good care of them, hopefully it won't be too cold for them, I got a heater ready at the apartment I'm staying at" She nods approvingly at your initiative.

"I'm glad you remembered that their really sensitive to extreme cold"

"I have to, I don't want them getting sick, it's a sensitive time for them" You pick up your luggage and head down.

"Alright well, Goodbye mom, I'll give you a message when I want to visit, Love you mom, and tell Dad I love him too" You give your mom a hug and heads downstairs

You wear your Jacket that has a Deadpool symbol on the right shoulder and pick up Sandy and Yoda and head inside your ride.

"Where to?" a heavy voice that seems to be due to a lot of smoking asks you.

"The airport please" and so you were on your way to Canada, where the land is cold at this time of the year and people are the friendliest or so you've heard.


Toronto, Canada

"Welcome to Canada, where the land is cold but the people are warm, and some are hot" You read a flyer you just read after landing from the plane.

"Hm, their really selling this country huh" you say to no one, trying to rotate the flyer in hopes you get new information, you see a brown haired girl head wearing glasses with some confetti surrounding her and a textbox on the flyer.

"Hey Newcomers, you're invited to a party, just bring this flyer to this address at this time and you'll be able to make friends and possibly get some F****** action, lord knows you need it" The invitation reads.

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