Chapter 131-140

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Chapter 131

It happens to be a sunny day today, so the registration process will be done outdoors.

There is a long table inside the gate of the new electrical appliance factory. Behind the table sit five clerks from the factory office. The five of them are responsible for the most basic work of registration.

Yang Dachuan is responsible for assisting. For example, if someone in a certain position needs to go to the toilet, he will come and take over for ten minutes. Or if there is a situation that cannot be solved, then Yang Dachuan will go to the office to ask Chai Qiaoying. .

The security guard at the entrance is responsible for asking people who come in to sign up to stand in five teams. They are absolutely not allowed to jump in line, and no disputes are allowed. Anyone who jumps in line or quarrels will be disqualified on the spot.

Before dawn in the morning, there were many people waiting at the door. When Xia Qingtang rode his bicycle to work, he saw the security department staff coordinating everyone and asking them to queue quietly and not to make any noise.

But some people who came late were anxious. Seeing that there were already so many people in front of them, they tried to jump in line, but they would be kicked away.

At eight o'clock sharp, the registration process officially began. Everyone walked to the table and sat down in the order they lined up. Xia Qingtang and the others would take out a mimeographed form for each other to fill out.

The content of this form is very detailed. You need to fill in personal details, such as name, age, address, education, personal experience and other basic information. You also need to fill in interests, hobbies, specialties, personal strengths and weaknesses. Wait for the content that makes everyone who signed up confused.

These people who signed up are basically educated youth who have returned to the city. They have all read books, so it is not difficult to fill in the content. However, they do not understand many parts, so they need to ask the on-site clerk. Xia Qingtang and the others would answer it in detail over and over again.

Even if it is written very clearly on the big white paper next to it, some people still need to confirm it personally before they can feel relieved.

Shi Xiaoyu next door said loudly: "Those who have not graduated from high school do not need to fill in the application form. Those who have graduated from junior high school will not be hired for the time being, and they cannot participate in the written test and interview. Please remember, only those who have graduated from high school Only those who are qualified can come and sign up, even if they have only studied for a few months!"

Xia Qingtang was also talking to the person who had just sat down: "Hello, comrade, have you attended high school?"

"I...I've been reading for a few days..." The young man opposite looked a little hesitant.

Xia Qingtang knew as soon as he saw this kind of person that he was definitely lying, so he said, "Can you guarantee that you will get a certificate from the high school where you are studying? A certificate that proves that you have indeed studied in high school for a period of time. If you cannot issue this certificate, you will not be hired even if you fill out the application form. Therefore, if you have not graduated from high school, you do not need to register, which can also save your time."

The man got angry: "What the hell! A factory is recruiting workers, but they actually have to go to high school? It's just work, isn't it enough to be literate? My parents have only read a little bit of books, so they still have to go to high school." Have you worked in a factory all your life?"

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