Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41

"This is a place to eat. You don't need food stamps. Just give me a little more money." Tong Xiaolan said in a low voice: "This is the home of my second brother's classmate. Her mother's family is in the countryside of our city, on her own land. You can grow a lot of things, so you can bring grains, vegetables, and wild products here, and sell some food to supplement your family. However, this place only deals with acquaintances. I have been here several times. I know them, and they will let me go if they see me. Come in. You came with me today, so you can become familiar with each other. It's okay if you come alone next time. But you must be careful not to bring someone with a long mouth over to eat. If it is revealed, just What a shame there is no place like this to eat anymore."

At any time, no matter how strict the control is, there are always people doing small business secretly. There are actually not a few snack bars like this at home. As long as you know them, you can come and eat.

Xia Qingtang also knew that the underground markets in the city always appeared at two or three in the morning. Daring people from the nearby countryside would sell coarse grains, dry goods, wild fruits and other items. In addition to collecting money, they also collected various items. Cloth-growing tickets, industrial tickets, meat tickets and so on.

Some families in the city only have two adults working, but they have to raise several children. There is never enough food to eat, so they will come to places like this to exchange coupons with farmers for coarse grains, and then go back to barely feed the children.

Wen Xiaoli suddenly realized: "I have heard of this kind of place, but never seen it. It turns out it is like is no different from the kitchen at home..."

Tong Xiaolan smiled: "It's just an ordinary person's home, what's the difference?"

"Yeah, I'm confused too. I keep thinking about state-owned hotels and I can't turn around." Wen Xiaoli also laughed, "Then today is great, we don't have to spend food stamps."

The young girl who opened the door before brought a few cups from the kitchen and put them on the table. Then while pouring water for them, she asked in a low voice: "What do you want to eat? Today we have mushroom and vegetable noodles, leek and shrimp skin." You can add fried cakes, boiled rice noodles, dried vegetables and eggs separately."

Tong Xiaolan said: "I want mushroom and vegetable noodles, what about you?"

The other two people also wanted to eat noodles. Xia Qingtang had eaten two meals of noodles in a row, so he wanted to eat boiled rice noodles, and asked him to add an egg and green vegetables and mushrooms as toppings.

"Don't you want the pancake?" the girl asked again.

Xia Qingtang asked about the price and said, "Bring four pancakes, I'll treat you to one, one for each of you."

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Wen Xiaoli refused at first.

Xia Qingtang said with a smile: "Even if I want to thank you for helping me often before, and since I joined the union and my salary will be raised in the future, it is still okay for me to treat you to a pancake."

Several people laughed, so they thanked Xia Qingtang and added four more pancakes.

Soon, the sound of cooking could be heard from the kitchen, and the aroma wafted over.

Although it was the kitchen at home, there seemed to be two stoves there, so everything the four people ordered was quickly served.

Xia Qingtang's boiled rice noodles also contain fried mushrooms and vegetables, the eggs are boiled poached eggs, and a spoonful of homemade chili sauce and pickled beans are added. The soup base is seasoned with soy sauce, which makes it very smooth to eat. ‌.

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