Chapter 20

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Delaaran, Kubo, and Zuri kept walking for a long time.

"Zuri, where are we going?" Delaaran asked.

"You'll see. It's a pathway and a way out. You don't want to walk up those stairs again, do you? Just to climb down? Or jump."

Delaaran's eyes widened, and he scratched his head.
"Yea, no way!"

Kai Lin slapped his face.
"This world will be in a lot of trouble if you're Azena."

Once they made it outside the wall, they saw their boat. They got in and started to sail.

"So where to?" Zuri asked.

"Aetherius. Home to the aero shamans." Kubo said.

"Isn't that place wiped out completely?"

"Sort of. Maybe. It's something your father said to me."

"What did he say?" Zuri asked.

Delaaran sat up.

"He looked at me. I know he was looking at the tainted parts of me. My scars. My eye. He called me the lost child of Guardian Feng. Everyone knows Guardian Feng. She was a master at aero shifting. The best. But when I tried to find her scrolls, they were all gone. Maybe I could find some there." Kubo said while rubbing the scars on his arm.

Zuri smiled.
"We'll figure it out."

Delaaran nodded.
"I don't care what anyone says. You're smart and very good-looking."

Zuri laughed.
"I mean he is the Dragon Prince."

Delaaran and Zuri laughed.

Once they made it, it was very foggy.

"I can't see a thing." Delaaran said.

The fog then cleared, and it was lands that floated connected with vines. It was beautiful.

Kubo and Delaaran's eyes widened at the sight.

Zuri smiled.
"Aetherius. Miss Afreyea was right when she said that they truly are one with aero."

They got out of the boat, climbed the vines, and jumped from rock to rock reaching the main temple.

Zuri started to get tired.
"Can't I just build us stairs?"

"No." Kubo said. "I don't think Terraformians lived here so the way everything is made, the structure, I feel like you just have to go by air."

Zuri rolled her eyes.
"Whatever that meant."

Once they got to the top, the temple looked way bigger than what it looked like on their boat.

"For some reason, I feel like I've been here. Almost like Deja Vu." Delaaran said while looking at the temple.

"Me too. Almost as if I've lived here before." Kubo said.
He lifted his hand.

While they were standing there, something poked Kubo's back.

"Don't move." A girl's voice said.

Kubo put his hands up and Delaaran and Zuri turned around quickly.

She had short hair and a scar on her eye.
"Who are you, and why are you here?!"

"No! You're mistaken!" Delaaran said.

"Shut up before I cut his throat!" The girl ordered.

"That's it!" Zuri yelled. "Aero shifting my butt!"

The Azena: Rise of the Guardians - Book IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant