Chapter 19

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They laid Delaaran on the bed to check if he had any injuries.
Once he was in, he felt better. He tried to sit up, but Miss Afreyea wouldn't let him.

"I feel better. I don't have to stay." Delaaran said.

"Don't worry. King Masamba is speaking with your friend Emmanuel."

Delaaran's eyes widened.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." She then closed the door.

Delaaran ran to open it, but it was locked. He sat on the bed for what felt like hours, and then he could hear the door unlocking. He thought it was the maid, but it was Zuri.

"Zuri! What are you-"

"Listen, and listen to me well! Who are you, and why are you here? Why are you so obsessed with me?!" She yelled.

"First of all, I'm not chasing you because I want to. I have to. And my name is Delaaran De Yang. I'm the son of Maleko and Umanvi De Yang."

Her eyes widened.

He nodded.

Zuri then sat next to him.
"I believe you."

"You do?" He asked.

She nodded.
"When I was smaller, my mother would tell me stories about Maleko the Azena. She would tell me how funny he was. And how he always showed that you were worth it and that it was okay to ask for help. You may be wondering how she knew all of this. And maybe it can show you that I do trust and believe why you're here. My mother's twin sister is Guardian Abena. Guardian of terra shifting and Guardian of Terraforma. It's always passed on to whoever shares the same spirit. The same blood, right? Like you?"

Delaaran smiled softly.
"That's right."

Zuri smiled at him and looked down, her eyes swelling.
"During the war with the Dragon Empire, my aunt died. My mother was heartbroken. She then got sick after giving birth to me 4 years later after the war. She passed away 12 years ago."

Delaaran instantly felt bad for her. He rubbed her back.
"At least you got to hear her voice. Be thankful for the time you spent with her. Be happy that she isn't in pain anymore. She's a free spirit. And she's in your heart. Just like my father."

Zuri smiled.
"Thanks Delaaran."

He smiled back.
"No problem."

"Oh, one more question."

"What is it?"

"How do you do it? How do you always keep a smile when things are tough."

Delaaran smiled brightly.
"I just smile and keep hope, because there will be a better day somewhere. And it takes more muscles to frown than to smile."

Zuri laughed.
"I understand."

They laughed together until the door was about to open.

"What do we do?" Delaaran asked.

Zuri tried to think.

She then stomped her foot making a rock from the floor come up, and she put it in the way of the door. She lifted her hand and tried her hardest to break a hole in the ceiling. After she was successful, she jumped in and so did Delaaran.

When the maid opened the door, she screamed and called the guards.

Meanwhile, Kai Lin was tied up in the throne room.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Who are you?" King Masamba asked.

Kubo looked angry.

King Masamba looked at his blind eye and scar.
"I know who you are. You're the lost boy of Guardian Feng."

The Azena: Rise of the Guardians - Book INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ